chap. 7

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No one pov:

Wei ying: so you are telling me that Jiang Cheng f. Is of nothing but a fraying pan?

Lan ying: yes


wei ying: future me if I may ask who has sufferd the hit from the fraying pan?

Lan ying: many have sufferd

Jiang Cheng p.: And who are these many people?

Then lan ying inheald and started to caunt

Lan ying:
Jiang Cheng f.
Jiang Cheng p.
Jin ling
Lan Jingyi
Lan xichen on accident
Lan wangji
Jin goanyao
Shu she
Lan hua
Jin zixuan
For now that's all

Said lan ying

Lan Qiren: why was wangji hit with the fraying pan?

Lan ying: when I was pregnant we where in the rabbit garden and then sudendly the baby wanted out and a-zhan feinted

Lan Qiren:oh

Lan zhan was embarrassed that he feinted when his future wifi was about to give birth

After a moment the screen lighted up and they started to watch

On the screen there where lan ying and nie huaisang

Lan ying: ugh, i barely slept last night

Jiang Cheng p.: Well you probably stayed up till late at night!

Lan ying: no that wasn't the problem

Nie huaisang: when you can't sleep it means someone is thinking about you.

Jiang Cheng p.: Okay that's true to

Lan ying:but who would thing about me at 3 in the morning!?

Lan wangji:[ gay panic]

Lan Qiren: alight i expected anyone but Wangji!?

Lan xichen: lan ying you don't look supreist at this may I know why?

Lan ying: it's not the first time

Lan xichen: oh


*Cloud recesses at 2am*

Jingyi: sizhui wake up!

Lan ying: why aren't you sleeping a-yi?

Lan Jingyi: a-niang you will know why

Sizhui: what is it ?(he is clearly annoyed

Jin ling: lan Jingyi what did you do to annoy lan sizhui!?

Jingyi:when butterflays fell in love do they fall in love, do they feel humans in their stomach?

Lan ying: I'm not even gonna say anything...



Zewu Jun:Jingyi what the heck!?

Nie huaisang: I mean lan Jingyi inst wrong

Lan ying: huaisang ok swere to ducking hua Cheng that if you say another thing I'm gonna hit you with the Fraying pan and kill you

(I kind wanted to make an mxtx crossover)

Lan Jingyi: why do you have to swere to uncle hua

Well that was for chapter 7

I hope you will have a great day afternoon or night


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