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A/N: sorry that i didn't update so long i really needed a break and I had online study (don't ask why i have online study in holidays) and my mom said i had to go out side becous she said i look like Gost and I had to read my book , so i hope you will enjoy chap. 12 and I hope your new year started in a good way!

No one pov:

The screen- you will get a 20 minutes Brack to answer questions if you have them if not then do what you want i don't care but hanguan-jun no everyday means everyday

Lan Jingyi: so we have a 20 minutes Brack if you have questions rise your hand !

And so everyone rised there hands

Lan jingyi: alright then let's start with sect Leder nie or nie huaisang

Nie huaisang: my question is eh brother wei what was your blood brothers reaction when they found out you are married and that you are pregnant or you have kids?

And with that question lan wangji was ready to die

Lan ying: well hua-ge was about to burn down gusu and bing-ge was ready to kill a-zhan when they found out that i was married to a-zhan and when I said that i have kids and I'm pregnant they both passed out and when they would up they both were ready to kill a-zhan and burn him and lian-ge and shen-ge they congratulated me

Explained lan ying with an nervous smile on his lips while lan wangji was crying because he reamamberd the pain...

Everyone ( except madam yu) knew now that it was better not to mess with wei ying

Lan jingyi: next question sect leader Jin or how a-niang calls you peacock


screamed Jin zixuan

Lan ying: your question or fraying pan

Jin zixun didn't want to die today so he asked his questions

Jin zixun: h-how did you become obsessed with the frying pan?

Asked Jin zixuan nervously

Lan ying:i don't know i on accident hit someone in gusu with it and they passed out for good 3 days

Said lan ying

The screen- alright the Brack is over we are continuing and we are adding 2 new person's

With that in front of the screen there showed up two man one in red with with an black eye patch and one in gray, red and black

And how you alredy know they are hua Cheng and Lou binghe

The screen- just say who you are and sit down

Hua Cheng: I'm hua Cheng and I'm lan/Wei ying's older brother

Lou binghe: I'm Lou binghe and I'm lan/wei yings Big Brother!

After they said who they are they saw lan wangji and they started to bark at him


lan ying: gege's we don't use that language!

Hua Cheng/Lou binghe: we are sorry baby bro can you still make us conge


The screen-...let's just start

And the screen lighted up

They saw a big kitchen and lan ying who is cooking something and Lou binghe who is helping him

While lan ying doesn't pay attention to Lou binghe what he is doing Lou binghe mixed rise so that it made (I'm sorry) wet noises

Jin zixuan: man are you trying to die!?

Lou binghe:...that hurt

Lou binghe got his way to lan ying's ear he said

Lou binghe: thats what good (woman part) sounds like

Lan ying: BINGHE!

and Lou binghe got hit by the frying pan who was really fast

Lou binghe: I'm never doing that again

Hua Cheng: a dare is a dare


A/n: and with that we are going to end chapter 12 for today !
Hope you liked it
And I will try to update as soon as possible!

Have a great day afternoon or night!
And happy new year and I hope it stared good for you !


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