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No one pov:

They all had an little brak before continuing with reacting, and all of them sat in a different place now

Lan zhan-wei ying

Jiang cheng.p - Jiang Cheng.f

Lan qiren - lan xichen

Lan wangji-lan ying

Lan Jingyi-lan sizhui

Jin zixuan - Jiang yanli - Jin ling

Madam yu - Jiang fengmian

Nie huaisang- wen ning

Nie mingjue-wen qing (with force of course)


"Let's start reacting again"


-on the screen they could see lan ying with lan wangji holding two baby's who where crying

Baby names:
- lan wanyi
- lan wugji

lan wugji was in lan ying hands who was starting to calm himself down a bit

And lan wanyi was in lan wangjis hands who still was crying

Lan ying: i see what's coming...

After lan ying said that lan wangji who was sitting next to him was embarrassed

Lan wanyi was still crying while lan wugji was already sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms

And then something really funny and unexpected happend lan wanyi was crying and saying

Lan wanyi: I'm gay!
                       I'm gay
                       I'm gay!!

Both of the parent where shooked but lan ying said

Lan ying: he got it from you

Lan wangji: and why from me?

Lan are the gay one

Lan Wangji : but you are gay to

Lan ying:...I'm bi

Everyone in the room where laughing

Jiang cheng.f: i always knew he was like lan wangji!!!

Said Jiang cheng.f who was laughing and suddenly choking from the laugh


All: aw that's cute

And lan wangji and lan zhan where totally not thinking about doing lan yings and Wei ying's hair after this

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