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Lan ying: because I can

Jiang Cheng p.: Uncle hua?

Wei ying: who is uncle hua?

Lan ying : you will know in the future.
Anyways let's continue

The screen

'there will be some pictures and videos'


Wei ying & Jiang Cheng p

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Wei ying & Jiang Cheng p.: Future us wtf

Jin zixuan: is the table alright?

Lan Jingyi: young mistress Jin ya good there?


shouted Jin ling

Lan Jingyi: well it doesn't look like it

Said lan Jingyi while laughing

Wei ying: eh future me how can you be so calm

Lan ying: I'm used to this

Said lan ying while drinking tee


Lan ying: how about we continue?

Jiang Cheng f.: Did you just ignore me!?


When your homophobic uncle is finally dying so I can be gay freely

Lan ying: oh no...

Then there is showed lan Qiren who has blood coming from his mouth and he has blood on his robe

And an lan Wangji who is smiling

Lan zhan:'i-i can be gay freely!'...

Lan xichen: i didn't see that coming...

Lan Qiren:...

Lan Wangji: he didn't die but i can be gay freely.

(Lan Wangji is future and lan zhan is past)

Out of nowhere there is a second second Jede of lan

Lan Wangji: I'm lan Wangji birth name lan zhan and I'm married to wei ying or as known madam lan

Said lan Wangji

Wei ying: That's future lan zhan!

Said wei ying who was about to pass out any moment

Lan Wangji: hm

Lan ying: a-zhan we are reacting to funny moments of our time line why don't you sit down?

Lan Wangji: hm

Then lan Wangji sat next his wifi who was still hugged by lan zhan

The both lans looked at each other and agreed to schere there wifi for now


On the screen there where 4 pictures one from lan xichen , Jiang Cheng,lan Wangji and lan ying

1.lan xichen 'Could kill god but thinks they can't'

Jiang Cheng f.: I see what's coming

Lan xichen: i can kill god?

2.jiang cheng' couldn't kill god but thinks they can'

Jiang Cheng f.: When in the word did I tink that i can kill god!?

Lan ying: you once said it when you where drunk

Jiang Cheng f.:oh

3.lan Wangji 'knows they could kill god,but wouldn't'

Lan ying: I'm not sure about that one

Lan Wangji:hm

4.lan ying's accidentally killed god in a Wendy's parking lot at 3am'

Jiang Cheng p.: You DID WHAT!?

lan ying: i accidentally stabbed lian-gege


Jiang Cheng f

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Jiang Cheng f.: That was the biggest lie he hast told till this day

Lan ying : it is not my fault I didn't to nothing

Jiang Cheng f.: I know


Lan sizhui: a-niang just hasthe power

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Lan sizhui: a-niang just hasthe power

Lan Jingyi:I'm sorry a-niang but you are sometimes just scary

Jiang Cheng p.: This reminds me of that one time with a-niang too

That's it for chapter 8 hope you did enjoy reading

I will start not updating everyday but i wills till update !

Hope you will have a great day afternoon or night! And stay safe!


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