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A little kid stumbled out the door and ran into the woods. He carried a couple of papers and a pencil, along with the excited smile of being outside another day.


"Alright! Boat 15 coming right up!" I smirked as I gently placed the small boat into the river. Cautiously, I placed a little figurine inside it and stepped back to observe. It sunk.

"Awe c'mon!!" I groaned and kicked at the ground. I quickly ran towards the river in an attempt to try and recover my figurine, but I watched as it flowed along with the river, disappearing from my sight. I inwardly screamed. Man, my mom just bought that for me.

After hours of attempts, I gave up for the day and retreated back to my house.

"Levi, come for dinner," My mom said, her shoes clacking against the wooden floor. I close the door and run to the kitchen.

"Oh dear, you look like a mess Levi. Go clean yourself up," mother said as she gently wiped picked a leaf stuck in my hair. I grunted and escaped her grasp.

She wasn't wrong though. I was covered in sweat and had dirt on my face from kicking the ground so much. Yes, wearing the matching ripped up overalls, stained tennis shoes and shirt . Hey, I only wore what I saw in the closet first.

I turned on the faucet and washed my face and hands, then drying it with my towel. I was hungry, so hungry I was washing myself angrily and rough.


"Anything new?" Levi's mom asked as she served him food on his plate. "No..." He mumbled. "There's never anybody else to play with.... It's boring..." Levi said poking his food with his fork.

His mother glanced at him and let out a small smile. "You know, there's some people moving in a house near ours. Heard they have a kid around your age too..." She said. Levi's eyes sparkled for a second, but it went away when he looked down.

He didn't want to get his hopes high.

Great, now he lost his appetite.

Levi's mom frowned. "Also...your dad may be coming home in a month," She said trying to lift the mood.

The boy's eyes widened. "What's the point in telling me. You know everytime he tells me that, he never keeps his word," Levi spat in anger, making his mother jump slightly.

The male kept poking at his food and his mother sighed.

"Well... hurry darling, you still have to shower. It'll be your bedtime in about an hour," His mom picked up their plates and set them in the sink.

Levi slid of his chair and headed towards the bathroom slowly, leaving his mother in the kitchen.

There was bags under her eyes and she was drained. "Our son is losing hope, isn't he?" She quietly asked whispered as she put herself to wash the dishes.


I have fun writing this :]
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