Did Bill Cipher changed?

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no he can't he change right? Mabel pines said in a very interesting voice Bill appeared on the right side right behind Mabel shooting the star. You better keep your mouth shut or else i'll have to make you shut it! Bill Cipher said in a very harsh tone I walked downstairs and went into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks for myself and a bottle of water Bill Cipher appeared out of the blue.What are you doing down here kid Bill Cipher said what you doing here? Dipper pines said as i went to go back up Bill stopped me so Pinetree if you what you and me can hangout again like we did the other day Bill Cipher said Bill shut up i think someone is coming Dipper pines said fine then i'll go back in our room Bill teleported back to the room that Dipper was just in awhile ago i saw Great Grunkle Ford and he said that he was going for a min and he wanted to see if i wanted to go out with him i said a yes and i turned back up and walked back to the attic where Mabel was just laying there on her bed and then and there Bill Cipher teleported back to the attic PINETREE i was looking for you and i thought you were going to be in the some room we we're just in and in thought you didn't want to be up here anymore Bill Cipher said what's with you this is where my bed is and my Twin-Sister missed me right Mabel Dipper pines said yeah i did miss you bro bro he's not all yours Mabel Pines said oh you think that now but when the half demon kicked in him he wouldn't be himself anymore Shooting star he will be mine and not yours you say that to yourself Shooting star Bill Cipher thought to himself.Bill i'll still hangout with you i won't be that all i promise Dipper Pines said and then Pinetree shutted the door it looks like you love him a bit to much Mabel Pines said and so what if i do love pinetree more and your point Bill Cipher said my point is Bill you can't just keep him all to yourself Mabel Pines said damn she did have a point there but i didn't care i just want Pinetree to be mine all mine no one else's so what if a Shooting Star was correct Bill thought to himself.So Dipper i got some feedback about that other Weirdmageddon we were in Great Grunkle Ford said yeah what about it? Dipper pines said we may have a ot-other Weirdmageddon on our hands. Great Grunkle Ford said with a little fear in his voice this let me think that Bill Cipher was plotting something up his sleeves. I know he changed, right? or maybe he lied to my face about this and trying to act nice to me and my Twin-Sister so we can gain trust between him and know that he changed but he really he didn't changed at all he's just the same mischief triangle he was in the past so he never change at all i couldn't believe myself i trusted him again i just wanted to smash my head up and down a desk and even forget what i did with him i wanted to forget everything i did with him i was so in my thoughts that i didn't know Great Grunkle Ford was calling me yes i answer do you remember what i was talking about Dipper? Great Grunkle Ford had his pen up where his mouth was i'm sorry i was so out of it and i forgot what we were talking about Dipper Pines said you know what Dipper it's getting late how about you go on to bed Great Grunkle Ford said Dipper walked off and went up to the bathroom and opened the mirror then picked up his toothbrush and then as he was brushing his teeth and then Bill bursted out of nowhere PINETREE! Bill Cipher said in a nasty tone what do you want? '' Why are you mad Dipper Pines said you LOVE me Bill Cipher said and walked up to Dipper and then he said it again but with a deep passionate voice and then Bill Cipher leaned into Dipper's face and then said in his face well do you Dipper took a step back a little bit oh okay you want to hear it Dipper Pines said Bill very fascinated on what Dipper was about to say oh come on just say it Bill Cipher said and little impatient i do l-love you Bi-Bill Dipper pines said stuttering on his own words good it wasn't that too hurt was it now were at tier two Pinetree Bill Cipher said huh what you talking about "tier two" what is that ? Dipper pines said in a confession rate can you leave i 

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