the Shocking Surprise

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Dipper said the one in the wearing a black jacket and a yellow shirt Great Grunkle Ford detailed everything about this dude and it reminded me of Bill cipher but Bill Cipher was in the attic right he wouldn't go without my passion right i walked to him and he took me into his arms and hugged me tightly like Bill would do and i got a feeling that it was Bill he leaned into me and then that's when i stopped him before he was going to kiss me right in front of Great Grunkle Ford as we when upstairs he said hi ~pinetree Bill Cipher said uh..B-bill i jumped and slightly pushed him oh came pinetree i only wanted to be more by you Bill Cipher said and at least Sixer doesn't know it's me Bill Cipher said you are smart of hiding yourself to Great Grunkle Ford that is very smart Dipper said so you like my idea and let me keep me by your side Bill Cipher said y-yes you will always have my side Dipper said and i will always have your side too ~pinetree Bill Cipher said Mabel knock on the door hey bro bro i hope your not to busying Mabel said and close the door behind her oh you a have a friend Dipper Mabel said it's me Shooting Star your friend Bill Bill Cipher said Bill shapeshifted back into his old form oh it was you that i saw Mabel said yes Mabel that's my human form so i can come with you guys and so poindexter , Stanford , ice, and question mark don't know who i really i'm and you too double promise me that you won't tell anyone about my existence I promise on my dying heart Mabel said what about you pinetree do y-you trust me Bill Cipher said takes out hand well? Bill Cipher said Dipper takes out his hand slightly i prom-promise Dipper said thank you for not telling anyone about my existence to anyone Kiddo Bill Cipher said.That night the air was as cold as ice Dipper open the triangle looking window and then closed try to closed it slowly but then Dipper didn't know that he wake up Bill pi-pinetree what you doing up Bill Cipher said i uh..just wanted to see the beautiful stars Dipper said your not up here for that you got some stuff on your mind Bill Cipher said it's like he already knows me too well it's like he know me my whole childhood and leaned into my face and then kissed on my lips and i kissed him back i passionately kissed him back again we kissed each other again and again and then i feel his saliva with mine and then i felt my body all over in heat ~pinetree i love y-you like a gazing star Bill Cipher said Dipper blushed shyly and then lean over to Bill a little bit Bill? Dipper said yes pinetree Bill Cipher said what happen if Great Grunkle Ford realize that you were still alive Dipper said Sixer will never know that i'm still alive Bill Cipher said what makes you think that ~pin-pinetree Bill Cipher said i uh...i don't know i just.... I think ~i like you Dipper said well ki-kiddo Bill Cipher said and then i leaned my head to his direction you don't have to worry about me pinetree i love with you all my heart and i will never let anything happen to you Bill Cipher said and then grab Dipper's shoulder and then kissed his left cheek come on Pinetree you need to get some sleep at least Bill Cipher said oh okay Dipper said and then Dipper followed Behind Bill back into the window Dipper almost fell on the edge of the roof Bill levitation Dipper into the attic and then Dipper fell on Bill you oh okay kiddo Bill Cipher said y-yeah i'm fine Dipper said in a fearful voice you were going to be oh okay but at least your fine Bill Cipher said and then kissed me yeah th-thanks Bill i don't know if you weren't there i don't know if i would make it Dipper said and then hugged Bill.That night Bill walked down the basement where the time Great Grunkle Ford would of come down the basement to make a new invention but Great Grunkle Ford was in a stuging look and when to look back at the random person that wasn't supposed to be down there no one was supposed to go down there not even Mabel because of a ancient she did a while ago and was banned down there but Dipper  

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