You Can't Escape me!

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want to brush my teeth in peace Dipper pines said but we're at tier two baby~ Bill Cipher said ugh i don't care i just you to leave me alone will you Dipper pines said oh okay fine but don't be to all Bill Cipher said in a flirty tone oh okay that was weird Dipper pines said the bathroom door was opening and then Mabel Pines enter the bathroom what having boyfriend problems bro bro Mabel pines said and then patted her Twin-Brother on the back h-he's no-not my b-boyfriend as i said that i start to turn reddish to my face Mabel pines started to giggle a little bit yeah right he's not your boyfriend i think that is a false answer because i over hear you and Bill we're having troubling with saying that you love him or not Mabel pines said how much did you hear?! Dipper pines said I heard the whole conversation bro bro you can't escape from me i'm your Twin-Sister. After all, I can't believe you said that Dip Mabel Pines said what? Dipper Pines said that you loved Bill and then she went into my face and then said you don't love Bill back or you didn't want to ruin his- i know where Mabel was going with that that's why i had no choice to put my hand on her mouth she lobbed on me and then i putted my hand away from her mouth and then i told her that i was going to tell the truth to Bill about how i don't have feelings for him like that but she just said yeah good luck with that and then walked out of the room want was i supposed to i couldn't just lie to him or to his face because he just knows when your lying or telling the truth i just couldn't stay with this guilt anymore i will tell him this it just has to be a good time to tell him it. Why are there so many boxes? Great Grunkle Ford said oh hi Brother i see you realize the boxes already Grunkle Stan said yeah what are you doing with theses boxes Stanley Great Grunkle Ford said uh..that i don't know i was just going to let soos put them where the wax characters we're Grunkle Stan said while sitting in his chair and Stanley you promise me you don't mess with that so call portal Great Grunkle Ford said in a bossy tone what's up with you Bro i promise i won't touch that portal gravity thing Grunkle Stan said you promise Great Grunkle Ford said i promise Grunkle Stan said and then he putted one of his hands up and then putted it down hi Grunkle Stan! Mabel Pines said aren't you supposed to go to bed Grunkle Stan said but... Mabel Pines said Mabel was about to start Pumpkin i promise will have a lot of fun to tomorrow you need to get some shut eye Grunkle stan said Mabel walked back upstairs as she was entering the attic she saw Bill was sleeping near her Twin-Brother and then she poked Bill Cipher WHAT! Bill Cipher said i thought space dream demons don't sleep Mabel pines said we don't sleep but i'm cuddling up with your Twin-Brother Bill Cipher said you love him don't you Mabel pines said of course i do i love him so much Bill Cipher said you sure do love him Bill Mabel pines said hey Bill Mabel pines said yes Shooting Star Bill Cipher said would you do anything for your love Mabel pines said yes i would anything for Pinetree anything~ Bill Cipher said in a little flirty tone Mabel pines went off to sleep wake up kiddos time to help me with the Mystery Shack tourist will be coming any min Grunkle Stan said Mabel on the other hand wasn't really pay attention to what Grunkle Stan was talking about because she was worried if he would of saw Bill Cipher Grunkle Stan you can go and sit in your chair and wait for us Mabel pines said what was that for Mabel Dipper pines said he was going to see Bill Cipher that's why i let him out and told him that Mabel pines said Bill? Bill isn't even in here Dipper pines said he was here he was? Dipper pines let's just go downstairs Dipper pines said Mabel and Dipper walked on downstairs as they were going to go downstairs Random boy was in their way who are you? Mabel pines said can you move Dipper pines said why are you acting like you don't know me Shooting Star and ~Pinetree B-Bill Dipper pines said Bill changed back to his triangle form Bill? Mabel pines said it's Bill Mabel how come you don't remember Bill can just 

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