The aching Time of the Half-Demon

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what at least i'm not being possessed by him Dipper pines said oh yeah right sooner or later he will do it again and back stabbed you in the back Mabel pines said Bill walked out of the attic and behind Dipper what you say about me Shooting Star Bill Cipher said i said that your going to back stabbed my twin-brother Mabel pines said i won't do that why would i won't back stabbed my pinetree at all why would i? I love him with all my heart Bill Cipher said yeah right Bipper i know your tricks and your not going to keep me on my knees and beg for mercy upon you it's not going to work Mabel pines said well you're going to be hard to get rid off kiddo but your time will be up until that half demon is still in the aching mind of him Bill Cipher said what you talking about Mabel pines said before she catch up to him Bill disappeared out of nowhere where he go off now Mabel pines said i think i know where Mabel thought to herself and walked outside and opened the door some of the snow was melted and you could see the grass ground it was the first set of spring the birds were still there in their trees waiting for spring to come Mabel walked in deep in the forest and went deeper in the woods to find Bill Cipher Bill? Mabel pines said in the deep empty quiet part of the forest Mabel saw the Bill Cipher statue where Bill was just sitting there right by where the statue was what do you want Bill Cipher said in a very crucial voice look i'm sorry for what i said Bill can you for never forget me Mabel pines said and hugged Bill was crossing his finger behind Mabel but Mabel could't see thought it Mabel would trust Bill even thought he said some mean stuff about her behind his back meanwhile back at the Attic Dipper was sleeping in his bed in a shut eye Dipper move a little bit and got up Mabel? Dipper pines said and look over at Mabel's bed oh she's not here at all maybe she go up earlier then me or wait was my timer on a different time i think i know now why i got more sleep in because someone mess with my timer Dipper pines said Dipper stretched out his arm out in the air grabbed his hat and walked down the stairs slowly and grabbed his light jacket on the way out Mabel you here Dipper pines said Dipper walked everywhere that he thought of where he thought that Mabel would be at and then he yell out his twin-sister's name again uh pinetree shooting star left a min ago with candy and Grenda Bill Cipher said oh.....she left without me again Dipper pines thought to himself you seem like your down kiddo Bill cipher said uh....yeah Dipper pines said and then putted down his head down in his blue and while with a pinetree cap hat Bill Cipher takes off the the hat on his hat and on sits it on the ground What's wrong pinetree you seem down what's up kiddo you can talk to me about anything pinetree and i won't tell a soul on what you said here or to do me or what you did here Bill Cipher said no response starts to fret about his twin-sister on wonder if she is implementing all right your worried about shooting star are you Bill Cipher said yep i'm.....just aghast if she doing oh okay all by herself without me there with her Dipper pines said when going his thoughts out of what he thinks when his twin-sister leaves without him he just.....feels like a pariah Dipper pines said i know how you feel kiddo i feel like that at some point in my time Bill shoulder Dipper aside when Dipper wasn't paying attention and was still talking about how bad he had it Bill aiming at Dipper's lips and heartfelt puts his lick in his mouth and putted down his tongue up opposing up against his Dipper moan a little low you want some more Pinetree is that want i'm so hearing in your voice Dipper pines trying to speak out of his word but gets no response in return of the other right side Bill was going to fill that he would anguish there bond together for eternity Bill intense his 

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