Chapter 19- Villains Running Wild!

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(To Shigaraki's hideout)

"You're sure they'll be alright on their own?" Kurogiri asks standing behind the bar, while Shigaraki was sitting on a stool

"I'm a non-playable character this level. They'll make it work without me. Besides this game has totally changed. I've been thinking of it as an RPG. We've had some pretty good equips, but we challenged the Big Boss well still at Level 1. Really it's more of a Simulation game. I'm the player and I'll use all my little pawns to smash through the Heroes Ranks, but first I need to make cracks in the Superhuman world. That's where the Van-Guard Actions Squad of the League Of Villains comes in. Who cares if these guys win or lose. The Heroes will be scared just because they showd up." Shigaraki explains.

"Their sacrificial pawns?" Kurogiri questions.

"Come on, do you really think I'm that heartless? I'd never underestimate their strength. They may have different goals then me, but their comrades nonetheless. In a society bound by ridiculous rules, Villain's aren't the only ones being suppressed. Let's just hope they can pull this off." Shigaraki responds as he holds up pictures of Bakugo, (Y/N), and (B/N).

(To Deku)

Deku's breathing was heavy, while covered in blood and goes to fall.

"Hey!" Kota calls out as he gets up and rushes over to Deku causing him to himself from falling.

"Everything's okay. Give me a second and then there's something I have to take care of." Deku insists.

"But you're all beat up. What more could you have to do now?!" Kota exclaims with a worried expression.

"I knew he'd be strong. That's why I had to try and defeat him here. But I thought I would be able to inflict a lot more damage in the end though turns out I seriously underestimated how powerful his quirk was. If every Villain attacking us tonight is on the same level all our lives are at stake. On top of that it sounds like they are after some of us students. I have to let Mr. Aizawa and the Pussycats know that's one of their reasons they're here. I may be injured, but I'm not defeated yet. They are more people I can save. We'll leave this Villain here for the time being. With both my arms banged up my smash was probably weaker than it could have been, but I still think it's taken him down for awhile. He won't wake up any time soon and even if he did he'd be too weak to fight. For right now I just need to make sure you're safe. We're gonna need some help only you can give us. The forest has been set on fire that means my friends could be trapped by the flames, but we have hope. Your water quirk can put those fires out. Kota you hear me we need you. Now get on my back we need to get you to camp fast. Deku explains causing Kota to get on his back and Deku jumps off the cliff.

(A few minutes earlier)

(To Mr. Aizawa)

Rushing down the hallway, Aizawa makes his way outside to see sparks and smoke from the fire.

"Looks like your concern has you distracted Eraser." Dabi states, while putting out his hand in front of Aizawa.

"VLAD-" Aizawa calls out as Dabi creates a giant flame from his hand.

"Nice move. Guess you really are a Pro." Dabi compliments as he sees Aizawa on the side of the building unscathed. Going to create another flame, Aizawa uses his quirk to keep Dabi from using his.

"Not so fast." Aizawa declares while using his scarf to restrain Dabi. Pulling the scarf towards him Aizawa knees Dabi in the head. Quickly flipping Dabi over allowing the scarf to unwrap and Mr. Aizawa pins him to the ground while hold one of his arms behind Dabi's back.

"What do you want and where are your friends hiding?" Aizawa asks.

"My what?" Dabi questions causing Aizawa to break his left arm.

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