Part 5

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The boys headed into make-up and the kids went with them and then they were going to go on stage cause they did not want to rehearse anything cause this was going to be a complete surprise for their fans

"I think it was a great idea doing a holiday special for our fans" Liam says as he was in make-up

"Yeah, holiday songs and cheer perfect for this time of season" Louis says as he watches Freddie play with Bear and the girls as well

"Who is playing Santa?" Niall asks cause they were going to have Santa join the mix 

"James is playing Santa, and he is hosting a holiday party with all of the other holidays like Valentine's St Paddy's Day, Easter" Liam says as he was getting his make-up done as well

"I hope the girls isn't scared when they see Santa" Niall says as he was worried that the girls may hate Santa for a good few years 

"Niall they will be fine we are going to have Freddie and Bear go first to show them that Santa is not scary at all" Louis says as they were talking about their plan for this reunion cause they wanted it to go off without a hitch as well

"I hope you are right" Niall says as he continued to get his make-up done

Niall was in the middle of make-up when Gia started a fight with her sister, so he had to go and break it up before it got out of hand fast, and Freddie and Bear offered to help Uncle Niall with this problem, and they were going to keep the girls separated for the time being

(Don't worry Halloween is going to get thrown into the mix as well)

"At least James is going to have the kids dress up as well for this skit" Louis says as he was going to get Freddy in his costume cause Freddie was going to be power ranger, Bear a ninja turtle, and the twins were going to be a bee and ladybug and Kiwi a pea and Harry's other girl a princess

"We get Belle for this, and I am happy about that" Harry says as he was getting ready cause the four guys were going to be game show hosts for the skit so that should be interesting for sure

The kids were ready in no time and they had to go and get their makeup done as well before going on and Harry and Niall stayed with their girls cause they were not happy without their dads being there for them cause this was a different experience for them and they hated the brushes being on their faces


The boys and the kids were ready to go on stage and they were going to have their talk segment first then they were going to have their skits and they were going to close out with a song and they were going to do a mix of all of their popular songs for the crowd that night cause the crowd was happy that they were going to be performing that night and that the boys brought their kids for a little fun which shall be interesting as well

"James where are the kids going to be trick or treating too?" Louis asks him

"To the different shows that are on CBS and the kids will be trick or treating to the game shows, soap operas, and everything in between as well" James says to the guys before the show started

Going to wish everyone a happy Halloween we will continue in time with part 6

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