late late show cont

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"Here we are little one" he says as he gets Kiwi out of the car so they could head in and start getting ready for the late late show

Harry heads for on of the dressing rooms cause he was going to change into something nice for the show and he was going to take Kiwi on as well

"Kiwi it's okay sweetie" he says when he hears her start to fuss

Harry was quick to comfort her

"Here we go" he says as he gives her her paci to suck on to help comfort her since she looks like she needs it and he could not hold her the whole show he was going have to do something with her

"Ten minutes Mr. Styles" a crew member says to him

"Okay be right there" he says as he was going to wrap Kiwi up in a cute blanket so she was warm as they headed out

"You are so beautiful" he says as he looks at her as she was looking up at him

Soon it was time for Harry to do the show and introduce little Kiwi to the audience and the rest of the world

"Here we go little one it is now or never" he says as he heads to the stage to do the show with Kiwi in his arms 

Harry had Kiwi wear headphones so her hearing wasn't damage as he was doing the show 

"Hello everyone i am Harry Styles i am filling in for James who is at the hospital with his wife, and they just had a baby girl name to be announced later" Harry says to the crowd

The crowd was cheering 

"This little cutie i have in my arms is my daughter i just became a dad a few days ago and her name is Kiwi" he says as he shows Kiwi to the crowd

The crowd awws over the baby girl he had in his arms 

"This is a one time and one night thing unless CBS gives me my own show" Harry says as he was still talking to the crowd   

The crowd was still going nuts 

"Okay time to talk about what is going on in the news" he says as he was still talking 

"Gun control is still the issue and Florida is talking about raising the age to 21 to get a gun, and i think the other states should follow suit" he says as he was talking about gun control 

"I don't know much about gun control so that might get shot down really quick or more shots will go off" Harry says to the crowd 

Harry talks about some more current events and everything else

"It is going to be a fabulous show I am hosting the whole time again congrats to James and his family on their brand new baby girl. Tonight is going to be a great show you are going to see the guests tonight i know on a personal level. I will not be having any more kids. I'm Harry Styles he is Reggie roll the titles" Harry says in an energetic tone 

(After titles)

"I thought i could get to chill with Kiwi a little bit and play with her tonight since she is a newborn, but she is getting close tot he one month milestone. I was sitting in my regular clothes just being a dad and getting to know her of course since i am still new to her. I was washing some of her bottles and doing some of her outfits when i got the call to come down to host the show tonight. I said of course i will do the show little did he know i just became a dad myself, so i decided to bring her along for the ride and you can see she is waking up" Harry says as he was laying on the floor with Kiwi and just snuggling with her for the moment 

Kiwi's eyes look up at Harry's beautiful ones

"Hey baby girl did you sleep well?" he asks her as he was going to pick her up to hold her for a little bit 

Kiwi rubs her nose with her little hand 

"I take it you did baby girl" he says as he kisses her 

"We are going to do a segment called dads with babies" Harry says cause he decided it was going to be fitting since he had Kiwi with him 

Harry did a great job balancing Kiwi and the posters he had brought with him 

"We will be right back with Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik" Harry says as he cuts out 

The crowd goes nuts when they hear that 

"I know baby girl daddy is going to take care of you" he says as he takes her off stage for the time being so he could feed her and change her as well cause she was not a happy camper 


"Welcome back to the late late show as you can see i am playing with Kiwi cause she wants to see what all of the excitement is all about and what is going on around her" Harry says as he was holding the baby in his arms who had her headphones on and was happy as a clam at the moment and Harry loved that about her 

"Is that so you are very excited for our guests tonight" he says as he looks at her 

"So without no other introductions welcome to the stage Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn" Harry says to the crowd

(Louis daughters from my other books is not coming here, but Niall's twins Gia and Noelle will be coming. Zayn with have Aqua with him, and if you want the others from my adopted by Zayn story comment below i can add them no problem)

Louis comes out with Freddie who was wide awake. Liam had Bear in his arms. Niall had his twins Gia and Noelle and Zayn had Aqua       

That is next week for you guys 

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