Part 3

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I am going to go ahead and get it up finally after having you guys wait for cause of my schedule and how my boss is working me, and today was a surprise day off so here we go and remember to vote and comment on what else you would like to see in this book cause I am totally open to what you guys what in this book anyways on with the story

"Sorry about that baby," he says as he brings her in the house to calm her down

He saw the house was decorated while he had been gone for a while, and he planned on heading home soon, and when he did he saw the house was decorated just for him

"I think your Uncles had something to do with daddy's party," he says as he was going to get her out so she could go on her activity mat for a bit while he was going to get her sling so he could have her close the whole time     

Harry sees Liam was in Kiwi's room

"Surprise" Liam says as he was finishing changing Bear

"Who else is here?" Harry asks him

"You will see," Liam says

Harry heard the toilet flush and that has to be Louis or Niall

"Good boy Freddie," Louis says as he comes out with Freddie after he had used the toilet

"Louis," Harry says as he saw him come out of the bathroom

"Niall has to be in the kitchen," Louis says when he saw Liam in the nursery

"Is Zayn here?" Harry asks him

"I don't know," Louis says as he goes down with Freddie for the time being

Harry got the sling and headed back down to get Kiwi

"Hey Kiwi you have some friends here," Harry says as he was getting her in her little sling

Kiwi moved but did not wake at all which Harry liked  

"I see Uncle Niall in the kitchen," Harry says as he went in the kitchen to be with Niall as he was cooking

"Zayn is here he is out back smoking I told him to spray something on him so he doesn't smell like smoke," Niall says cause Louis was chewing gum cause he was fighting the urge to light up in Harry's house

"That's fine," Harry says as he was going to make some bottles for Kiwi right now

Kiwi went to sleep as daddy was walking with her

"Niall where are your girls?" Harry asks him

"There are in the other room playing with each other" Niall says cause he was the single father of the group that had the twins and he loved them no matter what happened cause those girls were his world

Harry went to see them

"They are getting so big Niall," Harry says as he was going to see if Kiwi wanted to meet some friends and maybe play a little bit

Kiwi hated to be woken up, but she was able to look at the girls that wanted to play with her for a little bit

"Kiwi these are your new friends baby they want to play with you for a bit," Harry says as he got her a toy that way she could play

"The girls and Kiwi are a few months apart which is a shock," Niall says as he brought Harry in something

"Thanks, Niall," Hary says

"Guys we have to get back together," Louis says as he came in with Freddie

"I second that," Liam says as he came in with Bear

"I am going to see if Zayn wants in on this" Niall says as he was going to see if Zayn wanted to have a reunion

Niall was able to see if Zayn was still there, and he was gone

"I think Zayn doesn't want to do this" Niall says as he came in from outside

"Well I guess we are getting back together we can start small and do playdates with the kids and then go from there," Harry says as he was looking at how happy Kiwi was and she was wide awake cause she had some friends that she could play with for now

"Sounds good to me," Liam says to Harry

"Can't wait to get back in the studio again and record some songs this time?" Louis says to the group as he watches Freddie so he did not hit the girls cause they had to be gentle with the little ones of the group

"Me either," Niall says to the group

"I guess after my birthday we can start getting back together," Harry says as he was still enjoying his birthday with his best friends and their kids

That night the boys took Harry to dinner, and took him to play putt-putt cause they had the kids with them as well so they had to make it fun, but still keep it adult-friendly


The boys were tucking the kids into bed, but Niall had Noelle cause she wanted daddy for some reason

"I thought we tucked all of the kids into bed," Louis says when he saw Niall with Noelle

"I guess Noelle wants to sleep on me and I let her cause her sister is the complete opposite," Niall says as he had his shirt opened and Noelle was laying on him right now

"I say so," Harry says as he was looking at Noelle

"She has to get glasses in time cause she has an eye problem," Niall says as they were going to be planning the tour cause they had three-five little ones coming on board this tour

Part 4 is up

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