Getting Kiwi settled

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Harry saw one that stood out to him and she looked so angelic as well

"She is our newest arrival her mother brought her here right from the hospital, and she had vanished leaving her all alone" the lady tells Harry as he was looking at the baby as she was sleeping in the crib   

"How old is she?" he asks as he picks the baby girl up cause she was not happy at all of a sudden, and he was going to hold her to calm her down

"Six days old" the lady tells him

"I am going to adopt her she needs someone in her life and i want to be her special someone" he says as he was rocking the baby in his arms to calm her down but she was not calming down at all

"She probably needs changed and she is going to need fed too" the lady tells him

Harry was going to change her nappy, and then he was going to feed her

"It's okay love" he says as he was going to swaddle her so she was warm since it was cold in that orphanage, and he was going to warm her up

The baby settled down after a while

"It's okay sweetie i got you" he says as he was talking to her as he was holding her

The lady brings Harry a bottle for her

"You can feed her right here" the lady tells him as she shows him the rocking chair

Harry sits down and starts to feed her

"I am going to adopt you and you will be my little girl" he says as he was feeding her as he rocked her

The baby looked at him with her pretty eyes

"I am going to name you Kiwi" he says as he was still feeding her

The baby cooed as she looked at him

"You like that name huh?" he asks as he looks at her

The baby cooed some more

"I say yes" he says as he saw she had finished the bottle

Harry was going to burp her, and she let out some good burps for him

"Good girl now to get you adopted" he says as he got up with her

Harry had to change her one last time before he left with her

"All clean little one" he says as he was swaddling her once more

The baby girl fell asleep as Harry walked with her

"I am going to put you in your stroller" he says as he lays her in as he was going to sign the papers to adopt her

Harry covers her up and took her to the office to adopt her

(Much later)

"Well Kiwi Styles welcome to the family" he says as he was taking her out of that orphanage and back to the hotel

Harry walked with her as she slept in her little pram and he looked down at her every so often to see if she was okay still and she still was asleep

"Daddy going to cover you up so you ain't cold" he says as he was going to cover her up when he felt the chill come up to the both of them

Harry kept going to the hotel so he could get her warmed up and everything


"Well Kiwi this is your temporary home for the time being" he says as he approaches the hotel

Harry uncovered her so she could breathe a little bit

"It's okay sweetie" he says when he saw her stir as she was sleeping

Harry got in the elevator and headed up to where he was staying

"There there sweetie" he says as he got her out to hold her to see if that was going to help and she was going to go back to sleep on her own

Kiwi settled down as daddy was talking to her

"See it's okay bug" he says as he kisses her as he held her as he was going to wait to go to the room where he asked for the crib to be set up for her and anything else the hotel had for her

Once she settled down and went back to sleep he tucked her back in her pram

"Okay now to go see the room where daddy is staying" he says as he was going to get off the floor to go to his room

Harry was on cloud nine as he was with Kiwi

(Harry's room)

"Here we go Kiwi your temporary home" he says as he brings her in the room so he could get her settled

Harry got her out and he was going to hold her for a while cause he wanted to be with her as she slept

"It's okay daddy has you" he says as he was rocking her in his arms to calm her down once again

Harry was going to see if she was hungry a little bit cause she was light as a feather and it was getting close for her to eat again anyways

"Here we go bug a boo daddy is going to see if you are hungry" he says as he gave her the bottle that was warmed for her

Kiwi took the bottle like a trooper and had half the bottle. Harry was going to save the other half for later cause he didn't want to waste formula on her

"I think you have a present for me love" he says as he was going to change her fast and tuck her in

Kiwi did have a present for him and he didn't mind at all

"There we go love" he says after she was cleaned up and had a cute sleeper outfit on so she was warm

Kiwi wanted to stay up for a little bit so he was going to see what he could play with her and in the end he was going to have tummy time with her 

Merry Christmas everyone and happy new year

First night next week 

Harry's little Kiwi wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now