Part 2

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"Hey guys, sorry had to baby proof the house cause Kiwi is getting close to walking," Harry says as he was joining in the conversation that they were going to have about the reunion cause the reunion was coming up soon and they had to discuss it cause there were lots to talk about like what songs they might to re-release to their fans like unheard of songs that they did for the album and those songs did not make the album

"That's fine I am over here in the same boat with my girls, but Noelle doesn't want to walk like her sister does," Niall says as he got in on the talk right now

"We can talk about the kids later right now we have a reunion to discuss," Liam says as he calls the group to order cause he wanted to get this started

"Are we having Zayn join us?" Louis asks him cause he was really curious on if Zayn was going to be joining in on the fun as well

"Let's put it to a vote if we want Zayn to do this with us," Liam says as he asks the other three on Zayn's input

Harry, Niall, and Liam wanted Zayn in but Louis was on the fence with it, so they were going to have Zayn join the reunion

"I guess Zayn is joining us," Liam says as he looks at the guys

"Where are we going to do the reunion?" Niall asks

"I suggest the late late show and we can bring the kids" Harry says cause a sitter will be hard to come by for two of the boys

"Okay it is settled we are going on the late late show with the kids" Liam says as he was going to call James, and get it set up

Liam also calls Zayn to see if he was up for the reunion and Zayn was up for the reunion as well, so he was going to go on with the guys and the kids cause he wanted to rejoin the group for the reunion

(Weeks later)

The boys had the kids with them and Zayn came to help Niall cause Noelle was going to have her walker to help her walk cause she was behind for her age

"I can't believe how big Freddie is" Harry says when he saw Louis and Freddie together

"I know it is crazy that he will be starting school soon" Louis says as they headed in

"Bear already started school and he loves it and he has been making friends and is learning a lot everyday" Liam says as he comes with Bear cause Bear wanted to see his other friends

"Kiwi is doing good as well she is going to be turning a year old soon, so it has been a ball for me" Harry says as he was walking with Kiwi and Niall had his girls especially Gia who was always looking to get into trouble

"Yeah the girls are a handful" Niall says as he was looking back at Noelle who was with Zayn and he was helping her walk on her own, but Noelle wanted her stroller, so Zayn was going to push her in her stroller

"Both girls are completely spoiled" Harry says to Niall

"Yeah they are treated like princesses for sure, but I try to treat them the same" Niall says as he was keeping a firm hand on Gia

The boys headed into make-up and the kids went with them and then they were going to go on stage cause they did not want to rehearse anything cause this was going to be a complete surprise for their fans  

"I think it was a great idea doing a holiday special for our fans" Liam says as he was in make-up

"Yeah holiday songs and cheer perfect for this time of season" Louis says as he watches Freddie 

Part 3 is coming 

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