Chapter Twenty-Two

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The screen played the next scene, the after math of the trial.

Orion was nervous about the trial, he knew Dumbledore was definitely going to Azkaban and Dahlia had told me what she found about Grindelwald. He was sitting with his mother as the floo flared up and they quickly rushed out to the floo to find Orion's pissed off father and Orion's shaken mate. Dahlia had tears down her cheeks and her face had gone more pale then usual and she was actually shaking. Orion grabbed her in his arms as she sank down into him, "Would you like some tea dear," his mother asked her.

"I miss grandma," both Sirius' and Regulus' said.

Dahlia nodded against Orion's chest. They looked at Arcturus for an answer to Dahlia's physical state, he took a breath before looking a bit angry again, "Well he has life in Azkaban, Grindelwald is being released, and the Deathly Hallows symbol has been fully reinstated to the Peverell's and nobody else. And then the goat, I can't even say his name right now, admitted that Tom was to be created as the next evil dark lord, and then revealed he had intentions to," Dahlia hid farther in Orion's chest, "that he had intentions to break down the sisters and have them pleasure him, sexually," he said the last bit quieter even though Dahlia heard as she cried again, and Orion pulled her closer to calm himself down.

James quickly had to go back into the Anger room while Lily looked shaken, what was surprising was that even Xenophilius even went into the Anger room.

An elf came back with some tea and Arcturus had grabbed a Calming Draught that Dahlia willingly took and eventually calmed down. Her mirror went off and Orion answered to find Tom and Charlus. Charlus looked pissed so it was safe to assume his father told him what happened. "We just talked to Luna and Abraxas and Dorea is on Charlus' mirror. How is Dahlia?" Tom asked. They saw her curled up in Orion's lap, "She took a calming draught after it was explained to us what had happened and we've kind of just been sitting here. How is Luna taking it?" he asked them. Dahlia looked at the mirror at that point, "She was visibly upset about it and wants you to call her after we're done," Charlus said.

"Okay, should probably do that now anyway," Orion said.

"And if Dahlia wants to go home, Luna and I will both be home," Tom added. Dahlia nodded and they ended the call before calling Luna who answered rather quickly. She had looked as if she was crying, "How're you doing?" she asked Dahlia. "Better," she said. You can tell she was still quite upset but she wasn't lying. Dahlia left a few hours later after assuring Orion multiple times that she would be alright.

"I'm surprised you let her go," Sirius said.

"I knew Tom and Luna were there, and Tom was going to watch over the two," Orion said.

Dahlia was greeted with hugs from Luna and Tom who both made sure she ate before she headed to her room. Dahlia was greeted by Thanatos who also looked a little pissed but concerned. Dahlia left for the bathroom to change clothes and came back to see him with his arms open. She ran into his arms and went to lay down, she snuggled into his side, like she did with Orion, they just lay there, not speaking as Dahlia fell asleep.

Somehow, everyone had seen Severus roll his eyes, a black swarm of smoke had flown in and blast him against the wall, Sirius shivered, "That was Thanatos, wasn't it?" he asked. All the kids had nodded and so did James and Charlus, the two just knew.

Over the next week, news got out about the trial and there was quite a shock. Tom and Dahlia got quite a few letters from people basically saying they were sorry that happened to them and how a sick man like that could do that to them. they got a few letters from muggleborns who got in contact with some of magical family that they found in their inheritance tests. They got a letter from Ragnorak giving his thanks about how busy the goblins have been with muggleborns and halfbloods coming for blood tests, and then many others coming in to be tested for potions and compulsions, and many vaults being claimed. We also got others that said they were compelled not to tell anyone about the abuse they suffered because of Dumbledore. Some people have come forward about the abuse they had suffered from muggle parents and wizarding families were happy to take them in and tutor others about wizarding traditions.

"Wow, things really did change so quickly," Lily said while many of the first timeline purebloods looked in awe at the changes.

In Austria, Nurmengard had been found and Gellert had been found in poor health and was left with trusted healers for him to feel better. Gellert had a breakdown once he was conscious and told he was innocent.

People watched in awe and with a bit of sadness seeing the man now be declared innocent crying his eyes out in relief. Sirius couldn't help but sympathize with him, he would have done the same thing if he had been declared innocent.

Tom and Dahlia got invited to go meet him. Tom guided Dahlia in to St. Mungo's and to Gellert's room.

"Why is she being guided now?" Lily asked.

Orion rolled his eyes, "Well you would think if somebody could see ghosts, they wouldn't like going into hospitals more than crowded places, cause you know, people die there," he sassed.

Tom knocked on the door and Gellert looked up. He had been reading the article about the trial and him being proved innocent. "We're Tom Riddle and Dahlia Peverell," he greeted as he shut the door; he gave Dahlia a look silently asking if she would be alright and she nodded. "Hello," Gellert said quietly and hoarse. They talked about what they had all gone through because of that man. A healer came in later and told them that Gellert would be able to leave but needs to be on bed rest for a bit. Gellert eventually stayed with them in the Peverell Manor where their immortal group got to meet him along with the parents.

About two months later Gellert was healthy enough to go outside. He walked through Diagon Alley as they went early for Dahlia's sake. Gellert did end up getting those memories of Dahlia's previous life, and was even more upset about what Dumbledick did. People greeted him and some just looked surprised. People had accepted that he was innocent, they had just been surprised he had been out in public. He got to meet with Armando and they made a deal, "Gellert works on getting better this year, and teaches Dark Arts to those who have neutral or dark Cores," Armando told us. Tom had made the idea of having classes to help people with their cores, Gellert had agreed to cover dark, Dahlia had agreed to eventually take over for Gray, they just needed somebody for Light cores which they actually had been planning to see if Myrtle would eventually do it.

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