Chapter Twenty Four

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"Well it seems this will be read first and end in us watching it," Tom explained and he went ahead and started reading as it was in front of him.

The rest of the year consisted of many pranks done by Dahlia and Orion although nobody other than their friends knew it was them. Their main targets had been Walbitcha and Lestrange. One time people watched stunned as the platters that appeared in front of them during meals would fly up and hit them in the face, especially the pies, which was the couple's favorite to smash faces in. Charlus even began to join in a lot, he couldn't keep away very long. The three made sure not to hurt anybody innocent and if they inadvertently did, they would find some way to make up for it.

All the James' and Sirius' were amused. They were happy to know they got their hobby from there fathers even if Charlus and Orion didn't show it as much as there other selves had. Tom and Armando had read through more suggestions like having yearly physicals as a way to find out who's been abused but the stipulation was the student still had admit they were being abused in order to help them. The Magical Core classes did come up, so did language classes, and muggle subject like math.

That boy, who they found out was named Erick had been contacted by the Prewitts and was allowed to stay with them. They had gone into the ministry and they had made Erick's magical guardians and even blood adopted him without his line having a chance of Prewitt titles, which he was definitely alright with.

The couples all started getting closer with each other and went on more dates. Orion would sneak out ahead of time and buy supplies for Dahlia so they could have a date at the castle as Hogsmeade made her a bit overwhelmed sometimes, he just wanted her as comfortable as possible. Sometimes he would give her little surprises like her favorite chocolate.

Dahlia had smiled at the last part, while someone of the women 'aw'ed and Sirius and Regulus were happy that their parents were much better this time around. Lyra just adored her parent's relationship. The screen had appeared, showing the next part was to be watched and Dahlia and Orion both had a feeling they knew what it was when they saw themselves on the screen.

Dahlia and Orion were discussing the Black sisters.

Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa sat forward. Maybe they would get to know why there other selves looked so different.

"I know what happened to all three of them originally, but I'm a little worried about what will happen this time," Orion began. "Why?" Dahlia asked.

"Cygnus and Druella were not exactly stable. And yes that's a lot coming from another Black.

All the Black's in the room had nodded.

They were obsessed with the Dark Lord and basically brainwashed Bellatrix into serving him. She didn't want to but after some Imperio's and Crucios, she joined. I knew even though she had already gone crazy, she was happy Narcissa kind of got out of it and purposely pushed Sirius and Andromeda out so they wouldn't be involved in it either," he explained.

Sirius and Andromeda looked at the oldest sister in shock, and saw her looking down at her lap while Rodolphus had grabbed her hand. Bellatrix and Rodolphus watched the two with small smiles. Bellatrix was thankful that Rodolphus had supported her the whole time, the two were more best friends than a husband and wife.

"What do you think is going to happen this time?"

"I know children are supposed to be cherished no matter magical or not. But, I think they may be abusive again and for no reason, I just worry a little."

Dahlia thought for a second, "Well, she's born in about five years, right?" he nodded. "Okay, by that time we'll be Lord and Lady Black, we can visit with no reason and after that figure it out. She may not come forth about it until she gets her memories. If she does, we can discuss what to do but it'll have to wait until Narcissa is born before we do something big," Dahlia reasoned. Orion let out a sigh of relief that Dahlia was willing to help the sisters.

Bellatrix sat there, flat out stunned at what she had just seen. She saw her other self give her a small smile, secretly telling herself that Dahlia kept her word, even if Bellatrix was the one who killed Sirius.

"She's going to probably have a breakdown if she remembers you," Orion pointed out. "Yes, from what you told me she probably will. I have a feeling Lucius will be the same. But about the sisters, if need be, we could do the same that the Prewett's did with Erick. Blood adopt them without titles like we're going to do with Henrik if he's okay with it," Dahlia thought aloud.

Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Andromeda looked at their other selves in shock. They could actually see stronger Black features which would be from Orion and darker hair and paler skin on some from Dahlia. They got blood adopted! The three didn't say anything while other Black Sisters had small smiles. Sirius had looked down at his ten year old self and saw he wore the Black Heir ring and was surprised.

Orion pulled Dahlia towards her and kissed her on the cheek. Dahlia, with her pale skin, had a very noticeable blush on her face that made Orion give her a really big smile, "I finally made you blush," he teased. Her face got redder and she hid her face as Orion ran out of the room, "I finally made her blush!" he announced.

The screen darkened as there was a bit of laughter seeing that Dahlia had been blushing again, and Orion had a big smile again. Some saw he had kissed her on the cheek again, that was something that always got her to blush.

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