Chapter 2

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Alexios watched Sydney Hughes walk away, stunned by what had just transpired. Had she actually refused his job offer? His very lucrative job offer?

He narrowed his eyes on her retreating back, noted how that gilded ponytail swayed in time with the motion of her hips. How enticing that simple black vest looked over her curves. And dragged his mind back to the irrefutable proof that she'd just shrugged off his business proposal like it had been for minimum wage.

"Her bottom line does a lot for mine, that's for sure," Orrin said in reference to Sydney's parting comment.

Irritated that his brother's words reflected his own lascivious observations, he rounded on Orrin. "Stop being a perv. What if she actually worked for us?"

"Then you wouldn't be in danger of losing your job, would you?"

Alexios resisted the urge to flip the bird at his brother, maintaining his composure while wondering how Orrin managed to bring out the worst in him. He figured it had something to do with childhood sibling rivalry and the fact that for the moment, Orrin was the favored son. And that rankled, because it hadn't happened often in their pasts.

While they'd been sparring, Sydney Hughes disappeared behind the bar. Curling his lip, Alexios tossed back the rest of his scotch, welcomed the burn while glaring at his brother.

"You're right, you prick."

Orrin leaned back with a grin. "Of course, I am. That happens more often than you and Dad give me credit.

"So, what are you going to do next?"

"Damned if I know," Alexios sighed. "She would have been perfect for our re-launch."

"Or at least your launch."

"Not everything's about sex, Orrie." Though his brother was right. Sydney Hughes was drop-dead gorgeous, and ignorant of that fact. Which was even more appealing to Alexios. He'd been surrounding himself with Daddy's little rich girls for as long as he could remember, was a little surprised he could still recognize innocence in the face of Sydney Hughes.

She exuded a girl-next-door beauty that was refreshing, especially here in Vegas, where plastic didn't just mean credit cards. She seemed content with her own body, and with her own circumstances. She hadn't even blinked when he'd mentioned his hotel. The only time she'd shown any reaction was when she'd seen his proposed offer. And even then she'd recovered quickly and turned him down.

That irritated him. Irritated him as the soon-to-be-deposed CEO of the Midas Touch lounge, and irritated him as a man. Especially as a man. He was used to women falling at his feet, had grown accustomed to them fawning over him. He knew his dark looks were appealing to them, even if he also knew his competition was his wallet.

Therefore, her uninterested response to him and his job offer had Alexios taking it as a challenge. Now that she'd turned him down, he had to have her. Working for him, of course, he reminded himself. No way would anyone pass up the opportunity he'd handed her tonight. Not unless they were afraid of something.

The question was, what about his offer frightened Sydney Hughes? Was it the staggering salary? Hardly. Was it the chance to crawl out of this familiar little dive and join the big leagues on the Strip? Most likely. She didn't seem like the type who cruised the major hotel bars on a regular basis. Maybe she didn't want to be judged out of her element. The big fish, little pond theory.

Alexios sat up in his chair. Glanced over at the bar, where he could just make out the top of her head through her throng of admirers. And slowly smiled.

Or, was she afraid of him? Did she take his offer personally, think he was interested in her as a woman as well as a bartender? Was that the real reason why she turned him—his proposition—down? That could very well be.

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