Chapter 6

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            Working the wedding reception was a blast, Sydney thought as she rocked out another couple of daiquiris for the mothers of the bride and groom. It was getting late, and at the rate these two women were celebrating, if they weren't best friends now, they would be by party's end. At the moment they were laughing, holding onto each other's arms for support, since the razor-thin heels they both sported weren't doing the job. Their husbands picked up the two cocktails with nods to Sydney, and the groom's father slid her another ten spot on top of the drink price.

Sydney had never served at a function in this sort of venue before. They'd held parties for customers at Jimmy's, celebrations for weddings and anniversaries, but it had all been casual fun. This reception was high end, with top-of-the-line alcohol that she churned out like it was free. She figured the proceeds from this event would cushion the Midas Touch's already thick coffers. She was certainly going to walk away a much richer gal after tonight.

Glancing around the ballroom, suitably golden and glittery for this huge affair, she imagined what her own wedding reception would be like but could only see it at Jimmy's. This place, with its gowned tables and gilded wall hangings, didn't resemble any part of her life. It would certainly never represent any wedding she would plan, either.

She'd always pictured herself getting married in the backyard of the house she'd grown up in, wearing a simple gown and facing a shadowy figure that represented an as yet unknown man to be her husband. Chrystal chandeliers and flower arrangements that probably cost more than the mortgage on her parents' house hadn't figured in her dreams. A reception at Jimmy's would follow, catered by the family, friends and customers who would then mingle afterwards to share in her happiness.

As she poured more free-flowing champagne to a brassy rendition of Sinatra's wedding classic "Fly Me to the Moon" by the live band, Sydney knew she was no closer to planning her own wedding than she had been a year ago. Granted, she now worked in a place better suited to meeting eligible men than her father's neighborhood bar, but she was still a fixture here. One piece of the huge cog that kept the Midas Touch resort running.

Seeing herself in that light brought her mind around to the owners of the hotel. Namely, the dark-eyed satyr who'd kissed her last week until she'd been ready to shed her clothes and dance naked for him. And just the thought of doing that with him sent decadent, delicious tingles throughout her body.

She couldn't help but remember that moment when Alexios had pulled her close and crushed her lips beneath his. How she'd melted against him like one of those Mary Sue heroines in books and movies that the audience screams at to beware. But the feel of his lips on hers, the taste of him on her tongue lingered beyond the memories, past the warnings. She was hot for her boss.

As if her intense feelings for the man conjured him, Alexios Verga appeared at her side, having entered the ballroom through the rear door without her noticing. Her first inkling of his presence had been a tell-tale prickling of her skin, an uber-awareness like Spiderman's Spidey senses. And when he leaned in to speak into her ear, she flashed hot, then cold.

"How's it going?" He raised his voice to be heard over the crescendo of the live band, yet his voice flowed into her, through her, a river of sensuality in deep tones. Sydney shivered when his breath stirred the hair near her ear, and her eyes shot to his face so close to hers. She was serving champagne when he spoke and was so hypnotized by his nearness that she failed to notice she was over-pouring until Alexios reached around her and caught the neck of the Dom Perignon bottle.

Startled at her rookie mistake, she stepped out of the circle of his arm. She attempted to gather her self-control and remain businesslike amidst the smell of his expensive cologne and the warmth from his nearness. Wiping up the expensive puddle, she answered shortly, "Just fine. Last call already was announced. I understand many of the guests are staying right here in the hotel?" Orrin had imparted that information when she'd first shown up for work. It made her job a lot easier, knowing the partiers weren't drinking and then driving.

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