CH1: Under Attack

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Hey everyone. This is my first book, I hope you guys like it. I'll try to update twice a week.

Chapter one
"WAKE UP!", my mother screamed "AMALIA SOPHIA ALICE, PLEASE WAKE UP!" I slowly woke up as I heard my mother crying. "Thank God, you're okay," she said relieved and pulled me into a hug "I thought that I also lost you". To say that I was shocked is an understatement, I slowly backed up from the hug and looked up only to be greeted with her tears "Mom, what's happening?". Before she could answer I heard screams, I rushed to the window and looked outside. There was fire almost every where, trees and houses burning in flames, children running away towards the woods and soldiers killing people. I turned to my mother to ask her what happend but before I had the chance she spoke "I already called." "Mom, what do you m- Oh my-, mom! Where are my brothers? Where is Anna and where is dad?". She didn't answer and looked to the ground. I immediately ran to my brothers room and started screaming "CAINE, WHERE ARE YOU?" I searched for him but he wasn't there. I ran as fast as I could to Anna's room "ANNA! ANNA! WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed tears already forming. As I looked in her room I saw a shadow. "Caine!" I screamed. "I.. I was looking fo.. for you.. but you.. you weren't there.." I started crying. "Don't cry Amalia, I'm here now", he told me as he pulled me into a hug.

"Caine, come on we need to look for Amalia, dad and Roman!" I stood up only to be pulled back by my brother. "Dad and Roman died", he said. "Don't lie to me! It's not funny! C'mon we need to find them! Omg, Anna! Caine hurry up!" "Amalia, I'm not joking, we're being attacked. They killed dad and Roman." We are what? They-? "I'm not going anywhere without them! I'm going to find them! They're fine!" 

My mom came into the room with Anna by her side. "ANNA!" I yelled opening my arms. She came running into my arms as she hugged me tightly "A-Amalia! Dad and Roman died!" She said sniffing. "We need to go, now!" my mom yelled. They ran out of the room without me. I can't.. where is my dad and my brother? Mom came back and dragged me to the 'escape stares' "C'mon honey, help me a bit you'r not so little anymore, dragging you is harder then I thought!" I looked behind me to see my brother bearing my little sister and following us. 

"Where are we going?" I asked crying. "You'll see", my mom said. "Mommy, mommy!", Anna screamed panicked. We stopped when we saw where Anna was pointing at. There were people with guns, soldiers! We started to run faster. I looked through the windows while running up the stairs. What I saw broke my heart, our kingdom.. our kingdom burning in flames. I wanted to stop and go back to help the rest, my people, my maids- whom I call friends. I can't leave them! I like them so much and they always help me and give me advice-, I want to go back to my daddy and to Roman. I stopped for just a few seconds and my brother pushed me. "NO MOM, WATCH OUT!", I screamed as I saw two men with guns. I jumped in front of her, closing my eyes.


I'M DEAD, I thought.

"Honey, are you alright?", my mom asked crying. I opened my eyes and saw my mother, Caine and Anna looking at me. "Ye-yes.. I-I.. thought that.. they were gonna shoot you", I said shocked. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me on my forehead.

Wait, where is the bullet I thought by myself? After a few minutes after a big hug with my -only left- family I heard a voice say "I'm sorry but we have to go," he said and started yelling "NOW" and within a second a loud sound was heared when he shot someone with his gun. As the loud sound was heared I froze, completely shocked. 

My brother is carrying my little sister to the helicopter, my mother thinks that I'm behind her, but I'm not.. I want to go but.. I can't? My legs, they just don't move, they won't let me. I saw them getting into the helicopter and let out a relieved sigh, happy they would be finally save now. 

Suddenly a deep voice behind me spoke up "What are you doing? You need to go right now!" I turned around and saw a boy with brown/green eyes and dark brown hair. "WATCH OUT!" he screamed as he jumped in front of me. He shot the last soldier on the rooftop and fell down.

"NOOO!", I yelled. I ran to him to check if he was okey, but he was laying on the ground with his eyes closed. I started sobbing, which slowly turned into crying "Oh no, no no no NO! This is all my fault!", I screamed crying. I heared a cough and looked down. His etes were open as he put his hands on top of his vest, "Bulletproof vest" he explained. I was so relieved, someone almost died because of me.

He grabbed my arm and dragged me to the helicopter. "What where you thinking?" my brother scolded me.  "I-I.." I stuttered "Oh come here darling", my mom said relieved opening her arms for me. "You're here now, that's what matters", she said and hugged me.

"Mom, where are we going?" I asked. "you'll see darling, you'll see".


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