CH2: After the ride

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So, this is my second chapter, I hope you guys like it.

Chapter two

After a really, really long ride the helicopter finally landed. I stepped out after my mother did and looked around me.

'"Why are we here?" I asked, 'I don't think hiding in trees will save us'.

"Who said we're hiding," the boy with hazeleyes said.

'Well, it sure looks like it', I said stubbornly and a bit irritated. 'Well, everybody follow me', the captain said.

We're walking for 15 minutes and the only thing I can see are trees. I wanted to say something but my brother looked at my with the 'don't-talk-just-shut-up-and-walk' face. It's like he can read my mind, like seriously, every time I want to say something -maybe something stupid- he look to me with that face. 'Where are we going?', my little sister asked, 'We're going to hide in trees', I said annoyed. 'We're bringing ou to a new place with new people', the captain said. 'Wait, what?', I said in shock. 'WHAT ABOUT OUR PEOPLE IN TRITANOPIA , WE NEED TO SAVE THEM!', I screamed. 'We can't hazelboy said -that's how I call him, until I find out is name-.

'But we have to..', I started 'they need protection, they need to be save'. He looked at me in shock, like he didn't heared this ever before. 'A princess, who's rich, cares more about her people than about all het expensive stuff home?' he said looking at me shocked but seriously. 'Are you serious or just messing with me?' I asked him confused. 'Well, I'm pretty serious', he said waiting for an explanation. 'Uhm, well.. My stuff they can be replaced, but my people.. I really like them', I said 'BUT THEY NEED PROTECTION, AND THEY DON'T HAVE IT RIGHT NOW!' I screamed.

'STOP, STOP SCREAMING!', he screamed to me.

'YOU'RE SCREAMING, YOU HAVE TO STOP SCREAMING YOURSELF', I screamed back. 'I'm tired of people taking me away from my people, they're my friends', I said slowly starting sobbing. 'I wouldn't have been this person I'm now without them, they helped me with and trough everything'.

'No, your slaves.. maids.. whatever,' he said starting shacking his head 'helped you with everything', he said annoyed and a bit angy -I don't know why, but he started to get angry-. 'DON'T YOU DARE TO CALL MY FRIENDS SLAVES OR MAIDS!', I screamed. As soon as I was done screaming, I felt on the ground and started crying 'They're my friends', I said 'I can't just let them there, unprotected'. He looked to my like he didn't saw a princess crying about her people and friends. 'I.. I.. just need them to be save', I said. He looked at me with a what-the-fuck-did-she-just-say-face.

My brother saw my sobbing and came to me. 'What happend?', he said. 'I miss Fiona, Lisa,..', I couldn't finish my sentence as I started crying again. 'They'll be fine', my brother said 'I'm sure they'll protect them and bring them to here'.

Yes, I'm that girl who cries about her people and her friends. I never shouted at one of my people before. Why? My people are very generous and happy. The last few months.. I mean.. We lost a lot and we didn't have a lot of money or food left.. but... we helped eachother.. we never stole from eachother. If someone was hungry we even shared our food. 'I'm a princess, I'm rich.. that's what everyone thinks, when they hear the word princess' '. But I was different, my parents.. we all were different than other princes, princesses, queens and kings.

'But', I said, 'what if they're to late of if they don't go and help them?', I said trying to stop sobbing. 'Then I will go back and save them', the hazelboy said. I think he didn't believed what he just said, I mean I don't believe what he just said, but after he said it, he looked a bit weird like the -what-did-I-just-say- face. I wanted to say Thank you, but the captain yelled at us 'WE NEED TO GO NOW!!'.

Finally 5 minutes later we stopped walking. 'Why aren't we walking?', I asked. 'Because we're arrived now', the captain said. I leaned a bit back because the hazelboy was there and said 'Aha.. Just like I said, hiding in trees'. 'He smiled and asked the captain 'Can I?'. The captain winked. Hazelboy walked a few steps tot the front, then to the right. He saw 'the rock' and moved it. He scanned his hand in a sort of computer and moved the rock back.

'Well, I'll make sure they'll place trees for you inside', he said giggling.

I heared something moving. When I turned around there was no-one left but me and Hazeleyes. 'Where.. where.. MOMO, CAINE, ANNA!', I started screaming confused what turned into crying 'I can't lose you guys, I've already lost so much, please!'. My knees started to weeken and I fell

'Uhm.. princess.. your..', Hazeleyes started..

'Shut up please', I was sobbing.

'But..', he tried

'NO, do you know how it feels to lose you dad, older brother and your friends.. or the way you call it slaves?!', I asked crying.

'No, but I know how it feels to lose people you love', he said quitly. I was in shock, Hazelboy just said something that was not-stupid.. But how? I mean.. Look at him.. He's confident, he has the looks, he looks really happy. I'm curious to what happend, I mean, he wouldn't just say that without a reason...

Of course.. What did I thought? He just stood up and walked to the rock again.

'Ohh, princess', he started, 'your family is behind the secret wall', he said trying not to laugh.

I didn't get it, I still don't. Where are they taking us and what are we going to do now?

As I walked in, I saw an elevator, we stepped in and Hazelboy pressed on number three. After a few seconds the lift opened. I saw a room full technology and people. It looks like a csi place like in movies or series. Where am I?

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