Hospital -2

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Tobbias p.o.v.
I called Nolan to tell him about the message on the paper. I walked back as I saw two boys, one next to Emma ans the other one in front of her. I assume they're friends because they grin at eachother. I don't know why but I feel a bit angry, I start to walk faster.
'Just go away please' she said a bit scared
'I'm sorry honey, but we need to wait here for a few minutes' the guy said next to her and grinned to his friend in front of Emma.
'Okey.. but can you sit somewhere else?' She said, actually it wasn't a question but a command.
'Nope' he said popping the 'p' 'I think I'm gonna stay here' as he wrapped his arms around her. She tried to push it away. 'Please just go' she said afraid. He looked to his friend and laughed.

I walked towards Emma and the two boys. 'Tobbias' she said relieved. 'What are you guys doing here? Next to her?' I said angry as I slapped his arm of her shoulder.

'Wahow, relax dude' the one said in front of her 'it's just a joke', 'Doesn't look like a joke to me' I pushed them both away, when they tried to push me back I pushed them to the ground.

'Tobbias, please stop' she said a bit scared and a bit worried. I stopped immediately when she said that. I walked towards Emma but turned fast around just to say 'leave her alone'. They stood u and ssat as far as possible from us. 'thank you' she said 'but you shouldn't have done that, you went to far'. 'I didn't, they did!' I said trying to keep calm

She laughed at me. 'stop laughing' I said 'I have to protect you, remember?' She tried to stop laughing, but failed 'yes, protect me, not pushing and punching others!

'I didn't punch them!'

'No, but you wanted to!'

'That's not true! I-I just tried to protect you'

'Okey okey, if you say so!' She said smiling

'You guys can come in!' A nurse said. I stood up as Emma suddenly pulled my back. 'Oohhh, I almost forgot you' I said. She smiled 'no you idiot, she pointed to the boys'.

'Wait seriously? We're here for two hours now!'
'You can go ho-'
'That's not what I mean' I interrupted her 'I mean, you're in pain and your wound can get infected!'
'It doesn't hurt anymore so I'm not in pain'
'Don't lie to m-'
'No, I'm not lying, I'm not in pain, I've had worse than this, we just have to wait a bit longer' she said as she smiled

She really is different. I remember one of the other princesses, she was.. I can't even discribe it, I guess they don't have such words. Let's say a bitch with a bad attitude. Yes, bitches always have a bad attitude, but for a princess.. She was really... Nope, I can't discribe it. What I can say is, is that Emma is TOTALLY different, she doesn't act like a princess, she doesn't use the sentece 'I'm a princess' to let me do something for her, she's just like us, like me.

Emma yawns, she must be really tired. Within two minutes she fell asleep. Her neck.. it will hurt when she wakes up, maybe I need to.. Suddenly she moved her head to my shoulders, did I wake her up? I looked to her face and saw het still sleeping. Or not.. She already did it byherself. I put my jacket off and put it over her, it will keep her warm.

I'm so tired, we're here for hours. My eyes.. they're so heavy.. Before I closed my eyes I saw an old couple in the waiting room.

Emma p.o.v.
I woke up after a good sleep. I haven't slept for days, where am I? I wanted to stand op but realizend that something was on my head. I opened my eyes, and turned my head a bit as I saw Tobbias. I think he felt asleep after I did. I looked to the waiting room and saw an old couple. They're so cute.

Tobbias woke up and stretched.
'Hey' he said with a lovely voice
'Hey' I said smiling
'Sorry, I fell asleep after you did. That's why my hea-'
'It's okey' I answer smiling 'I think we both were tired'. He nodded.

'You guys can come in now' the same nurse came and pointed this time at us'
'You don't need to come with me' I said
'I'm coming' as he said that I smiled

We walked trough the hall and the nurse pointed to a door with the number seven on it. We walked into to room and saw another nurse.

'Hey I'm Sophie' She said and shook first my hand and then Tobbias'.

'Please, sit' she smiled and pointed to the chairs 'So what happend?

Before I could answer Tobbias started to tell her 'She's attacked in the woods, she fell and her knee cut, it was bleeding for long, we had to wait a few hours and I'm scared it will get infected'

'Well, thank you for telling me' she smiled 'You're her girlfriend?'

'NOO' we said at the same time and the nurse smiled.

'Just friends' I answered as I saw him smiling.

'Can you help her?' Tobbias asked

'Yes, of course!' Sophie answered

'Autchh' I said

'I'm sorry, but your friend was right, it's bad and the infection can get worse because there's still dirt in your wound'

'I told you' Tobbias interrupted with a 'I-told-you-so' voice 'but you didn't listen! I told you to ask to go first!'

'And you also bruised your foot' Sophie continued

'Oh. but I can walk on it' I said as I stood up and tried to walk. I tried to take a step but I failed and fell... I tought, someone put an arm on mu waist. 'Watch out princess' he said 'you can get hurt' he said worried. As he said that I saw Sophie smiling at us.

My eyes widend, did he just call me princess, I looked at him with a -IT'S A SECRET REMEMBER face-, idiot!

'Yes, it's definitly bruised' she said

After half an hour we walked to the car.

'I told you' Tobbias said as he carried me to the car.

'Yes okey, you were right' I said as I felt asleep.


Hey guys,

I probably won't update until friday or saturday because it's trial workweek!

Thank you guys for reading my story, I hope you guys like it.

Sorry for my bad english, it's not my first ( and seceond :')) ) language hahah :)

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