My new house

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"We arrived", Hazelboy said. As I looked out of the window I saw a huge house with a big pool, "OMG AM I GOING TO LIFE IN A VILLA?", I was really enthusiastic but Hazelboy looked at me with a weird face expression.

"What? Did I say something wrong?", I asked him. He looked at me and started laughing 'hahah..haa.a..haha... w..w..where ...hahahaa... did... in a hut.. hahahah?'.

"Uhm actually," I wanted to say something but he started laughing so I didn't say anyhting.

'C'mon I will show u guys the house,' he said trying to stop laughing. My brother looked at me with his don't-mess-this-up-just-shut-up-face. They went inside and I.. I stayed outside, I walked to the pool and the only thing I could think about was Tritanopia.. my kingdom.. my people.. my friends, I started crying again. Even my mother and my little sister aren't with me, I'm not used to this,

I have to stop crying. I can do this... I tried to stop crying, it worked.. I started sobbing instead. Ok,I can do this I just need to take it slow, I can do this I taught. I stopped about thinking about the bad things, I focussed me on the good things that happened. It's gone, I don't cry or sob anymore.

I stood up and I walked into something and felt. 'Auch,' I said. 'Who are you?', a little beautiful woman asked. 'I life here,' she said 'what are you doing here?'. 'I...I..', I stuttered. 'Hi, mom,' someone said, I looked behind me and it's Hazelboy. 'Hi, Tobbias,' she said 'who is this beautiful girl?'. Now I know his name, Tobbias.. 'Mom this is Amalia Sophia Alice,' Tobbias said and pointed at me 'and this is her brother Caine'.

His moms eyes widened 'Ohh.. you.. you're a princess and.. and you're a prince?' she asked. 'Yes, my new name is Emma, Emma Grace' I said. Her eyes widened a bit further, I didn't know that that was possible. 'Grace?' she asked as she looked to Tobbias. 'Yes, they've to stay with us for a couple weeks maybe a few months,' he said. 'If you want of course, you don't have to ..' 'NOO NOOO NOOO, I didn't meaned it that way!', she said interrupting me. 'I just.. when you said Grace..,' you guys are welcome to stay as long a you want,' she said in a lovely voice. I really like his mother, she's really nice. 'Thank you, that's really nice of you,' I said.

She looked at me, I think that she thought that I was a bitch, because I'm a princess. She looked shocked when I said 'Thank you..'.

'Oh I forgot, my name is Nora' she said and laughed. She stopped laughing and looked at Tobbias 'Tobbias, where are your manners! Go and show our guests our house!', she said. 'I showed Caine, I thought I was showing it to Emma too, but when I looked behind me I only saw Caine,' he explained. 'Okey, but now you can show her,' she said. 'C'mon I will show you my house,' he said.

Wait, my house? Did he just say my house? So.. he is going to stay here too? Of course he is, it's his house..

After half an hour, he showed me the whole house. It's bigger than I expected it to be.

'And this is your room,' he said as he opened a white large door. 'Do I have a own room?' and... he started laughing again.. 'Stop laughing,' I said irritated. FINE, now he laughs even harder. 'You're so funny, do you know that?' he said while he was laughing. 'Oh okey?' I answered.

'Where is my brothers room?' I asked him. 'His room is downstaires, on the second floor,' he said 'my room is two doors next to your room' as he pointed to his room.

'Can I ask you something?'

'Ask me,' he said confident

'Why are you acting like a douche?' I asked seriously

And... he started laughing

'HHAHAHA... ahahahah.. ow you... you're serious?' he asked.

I winked 'yes..'

'Well.. I'm not acting like a douche,' he said

'Oh if you don't act like one, you're one,' I said and walked away. To be honest.. it felt really good to say that. He laughed the whole day to everything I said. 'YOU BITCH!' he screamed but I ignored him. Wait? did he just call me bitch? 'How dare you to call me a bitch?' I asked a bith angry. He stepped a few steps back 'Whoahh, calm down little tiger' he said with a smirk on his face. I slapped him in his face 'idiot' I said, and went to my room.

My room is big! Wait did I just said big? I mean HUGE. My bed? QUEEN SIZE! I looked to the right side and there it was, a walk-in closet! I jumped on my new bed, normally I would think about a million things but now.. I closed my eyes, just for a few seconds but... I felt asleep..

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