Part 2-hello zoe..

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Regret filled her mind as she bound up the stairs."Hello everybody and today I'm going to do a primark haul!"echoed from Zoe Suggs room...

She walked towards the victims door then she knocked on the poor girls bedroom
"come in!"she giggled as Leah got ready to pounce and kill her next victim.

As she opened the door Zoe said "hey mum just doing another vi....."she paused as she saw Leah approach her with a large machete
"I'm not your mummy!" She screamed as she pounced at zoella.
Zoella laughed as she dodged"I know gymnastics u can't catch me!"
As she cartwheeled to the door and ran downstairs.

"Fuck!she can't run forever though!"Leah thought as she scampered after Zoe
Zoe ran into the kitchen and grabbed a chopping knife
"Come any closer and I'll kill you!"cried Zoe as she backed away from Leah.
"You can't do a thing to me I will kill you and you know it!"laughed Leah
Leah knew she couldn't get any closer so she looked around the room for some way to kill her.As Leah was searching for a way of her death Zoe smashed the electricity box and the house was submerged in darkness .

Suddenly a window smashed and Zoe screeched as a piece of glass impaled her leg whilst Climbing out the window.
She fell to the ground and cried. Leah slowly walked out to the back garden where laid the immobilised Zoe.

"I'll do anything to live,"Zoe whimpered "I'll tell you where every youtuber lives!"
Leah stood over Zoe and thought "it would be helpful to get to them quicker and she can be disposed quickly..."
"That's a deal!"Leah laughed ,for the first time in what felt like forever.

Leah helped Zoe up and called an ambulance.
As the ambulance approached, Leah told Zoe "if you tell anyone what I did to your brother I will you kill within seconds."
"Of Course I won't say anything."answered Zoe ,emotionlessly.
Three hours later Zoe left the hospital with a large bandage wrapped around her left leg.
"Who are we going to kill next?" Zoe questioned
"Marcus butler." Droned Leah
"Yes!"Zoe cheered
"I thought you liked Marcus?"said Leah confused
"I hate him! He hacked my YouTube channel!"
"But why?"asked Leah bemused
"So he could change my name to pussynator12344.-_-" Leah said angrily
"Hahaha he deserves......TO DIE!!!"Leah giggled as she packed her bags for her next victim

So the story continues with Leah and her new accomplice Zoe!

Written by Kian and Dairine

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