Chapter 5

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After hanging out with David, he drove me home. I opened the front door to see Soda and Dally inside. "Soda?" I asked suspiciously.

"You look nice. Where've you been?" Soda asked. I looked down at my fancy outfit, and back up at Soda, "I-I was-" a thought of Johnny came through my mind, "I was on a date... with David. Gotta problem?" I asked him.

Dally spoke up, "About that. Your breaking up with him tomorrow." He said. I laughed, "Ya right." I said.

Dally was serious, "I don't want a Soc in my house." He said. I looked up at him confused, "I'm not a Soc. Would you stop treating me like that!" I yelled at him.

"Break up with him or get out." Dal demanded. I tried walking past him before he grabbed me and pushed me back in front of him. "This isn't your house and you can't control me." I said.

"Get out." Dal said. I just looked at him, "GET OUT." He screamed at me. He'd never scream at me like that... A tear drop came down my face before I turned around and left.

David had already drove away so I just started walking. I found myself at the park, somehow Ponyboy and Johnny were there. They were sitting in place where David and I were.

I heard them talking so I ran and hid where I could hear them. "It's the Socs. They're drunk" One of them said.

I looked up at a car that was slowly pulling up. I could recognize Bob and Randy, there was one more person but I couldn't- it was David. They really were drunk, David told me that he was sober though. What a dirty liar.

They got out of the car and started walking towards Ponyboy and Johnny. They got down in the middle of the dome where David and I were.

I couldn't really hear them that well anymore so I came closer, "You know what a Soc is?" Ponyboy said, "White trash with mustangs and madras!" He spit on them and they all started charging towards them.

I saw David grab Ponyboy and bring him towards the fountain. "He's going to drown him if I don't stop this!" I whispered to myself. I saw them kicking Johnny but Ponyboy was in a worse position.

"DAVID!" I screamed as I ran to him, pushing him off Ponyboy. Ponyboy was gasping for air as he leaned back against the fountain. Just then, he saw Johnny and ran to get them off him. "I'm done with you." I yelled at him before I went to help Johnny and Pony.

One of the Socs got off Johnny and began attacking Johnny. And then I saw it, Johnny was grabbing a blade from his pocket, "STOP!" I screamed as I went over to get it from him. I jumped in front of the Soc, feeing a sharp pain in my Stomache, I looked down to see Johnny stabbing me?

I looked back at Johnny who was just realizing what he did. That's when I started coughing blood up. Ponyboy ran to me, and Randy grabbed Bob and ran to their cars.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Ponyboy screamed at Johnny. I laid back, unable to speak. Pony ran to the nearest telephone pole. Johnny was putting pressure on my stomache and freaking out.

After Ponyboy called the paramedics, he called Dally. And he ended up getting here the same time the paramedics did. My vision had gone black but I could still hear everything.

Dally picked me up and brought me to the paramedics.

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