Part 2 bc why not

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-Sorry if this section is very short :(((

Kapi and the teal haired man walk out of the McDonald's they just ate at and Kapi says, "Wait, what is your name? We forgot to share our names." said Kapi. "Oh, my name is Garcello what's yours little man." "My name is Kapi, I like to play shit like DDR and stuff" Kapi replied,"Wow, that sounds pretty cool man." Snickered Garcello. They talked for hours and hours until Kapi realized that he had to go. "See you later Garcello!Maybe tomorrow we can meet and I can give you my number!" Panted Kapi, "SEE YOU LATER LITTLE MAN!"

Kapi gets in his car and starts driving, he then runs over Annie and then gets charge with vehicular manslaughter.

Wow, that has hella short, I'm sorry if you like longer stories but one day I'll make a story that doesn't take like 2 minutes to read. I like to make fanfic like this bc it's fun and I think it's very funny :). So if you want these short funny crossover fan fiction than I recommend following me. (I DO OTHER COOL STUFF I SWEAR)

Kapi goes to McDonald's Where stories live. Discover now