My dear depression & My dear host
My dear depression
You've been by my side for years now.
And you've never really thought about leaving me.
But I wish you did.
- HostMy dear host
Yes i've been by your side for many years now
Even longer than you realize because you were so young when I became your friend
Oh, well, you won't get rid of me that easily
- DepressionMy dear depression
You drain my happiness.
You make me tired all the time, even if I act like I wasn't tired at all.
You make me put on a smiled mask when around people.
- HostMy dear host
Yes I know I do that, but that is my charm you know?
Of course you know, you've had me by your side so long already that you know me so well.
You can take off the mask when you're alone by yourself and when with me.
Oh wait, you're always with me, I'm a parasite in your brain.
- DepressionMy dear depression
I have to kill you.
I take medicine to do so.
But you just won't give up.
Why is that?
- HostMy dear host
You know you can't kill me.
Well, not that easily at least.
You've been taking those pills for years now and I'm still here.
I won't give up because I'm your dearest friend, your only friend, who loves you very much.
- Depression
Piece of my mind
De TodoA new rant book because I need a place to vent that people don't need to read to get notifications off