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       Three days after, Marco got discharged. Irene also comes back to their house, irene already talks to them that she can handle the kids. They just agree when they will have bodyguards with them. Irene is okay with that, they go back to their own house. She makes herself busy, she can't accept any project because she's pregnant. Jieun is stopping by there after her work and checking them. Rosè and Jennie are coming there too to accompany her all day and it helps it to distract her mind.

It's already night, they just finished eating dinner. Lucas and areum are still in the library doing their home works. She smiles when the smell of their room lingerie to her nose.

"Hon.... please come home now" She mumbled and walk to their closet. She gets Lisa's sleepwear and enter to the bathroom. After that, she gets off from the bathroom and gets Lisa's perfume and spray it on her. She's want to smell Lisa, her hormones is kicking again. "When i saw you i will sure to give you a hard punch in your face hon... you making me worried at the same time you giving me a hard time" She pout and lay in her bed and hug lisa's pillow.

She fell asleep without knowing it, she feel relax. Lucas knock on the door but when he didn't hear any response, he open the door and check his mom. He slowly climb into the bed and saw irene already sleeping. He fix her comforter and kiss her forehead.

"Good night mommy sleep tight" He whispers and climb down from the bed and slowly close the door. After checking his mom, he goes to areum's room.

"Arii? are you already sleeping?" Lucas asked from the door.

Areum open her door.

"Anni... wae?"

"Go sleep now, we still have school tomorrow" Lucas push her to her bed.

"Yah yahh.... i want to sleep beside mom" Areum pout, but lucas lay her down to her bed and fix her comforter.

"Let mom sleep alone tonight, and it's not safe now if we sleep beside her. Mommy's tummy is getting grower and grower" Lucas said.

"Fine fine.... i miss daddy, i hope daddy is here" Areum and hug her bear that lisa brought to her.

"Let's just wait for her to go home. I know dad will be back very soon" Lucas patted her head

"Do you think dad is okay?" Areum asked him, he stop and sigh.

"She is.... i believe dad is okay...." He smiles and stand up." Good night lil sis" He said and kiss her forehead and walk out to her room. "i hope she's safe..." He whispers and go to his room.

The next day....

   Irene woke up late, when she saw the time she immediately stand up and leave the room. She checked her kids room but they were already not there.

"Omyghad..." She said and climb down to stairs, she saw Joy and wendy there cleaning the kitchen.

"Oh, unnie your awake now Good morning!" Wendy stand up and kiss her.

"good morning unnie! How's your sleep?" Joy approach her. "take a sit, i will prepare your breakfast " She added and walk back to the kitchen.

"where're my kids?" Irene asked.

"Seulgi picks them after eating their breakfast, Lucas didn't want to wake you up. so... Yeah" Wendy and put a glass of milk on the table.

"and you two why are you here?"

"To take care of you, since Jennie and rosè are busy today and yeri will come here too later for lunch"Joy and put the salads in front of her.

Irene nodded and look at the salad in front of her. The two immediately panic when they saw irene is crying.

My Wife is an it girl (G!P)|BOOK2|Where stories live. Discover now