Chapter 2: The Unconditional Kind

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~Grace POV~

"So Sixteen?" Elijah began as the family sat together at the table. "How are you feeling about it?"

"Great!" Grace replied with a smirk. "Dad's gonna get me a stable, mom's gonna get me a car, so that leaves you the private jet."

Klaus rolled his eyes as Elijah and Hayley laughed good naturedly. In fact, the only person not engaging was her father's "friend" Amelia. She was awkwardly looking in from the outside and Grace decided to make an attempt to include her.

"Don't worry Amelia, the Salvatore School is still up for grabs." She added causing the brunette's eyes to light up. "The Grace Mikaelson School has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"Why stop there?" Amelia asked. "If you pleaded hard enough, I'm sure we could get you into mount Rushmore."

"Mount Rushmore was made by a white supremacist on land stolen from the natives, so I'll skip that." Grace corrected.

"That's my girl." Hayley remarked, leaning over to give her a high five.

"On the other hand, it would be a big f you if you had a girl that looked like me carved next to them."

An indescribable wave of confusion fell over the room, but it was quickly dissolved by her Uncle moving the conversation along.

"Have you heard from Kol and Davina?" He asked.

"Oh yeah." Grace replied. "Davina's still too sick so she and Kol won't be able to come. They will still be sending their present though."

"Grace!" Hayley called out scoldingly.

"But of course, I'll still miss them." She added with a cheeky grin.

"Well, I for one am delighted to have less people to share you with this week." Klaus told her with a fond smile.

"When did he get so sappy?" She asked the table.

"What's that saying about ungrateful children?" Klaus countered.

"Well, it's—"

"Um Klaus?" Amelia suddenly drew all eyes to her, and Grace now realised she was more nervous than anything. "Isn't there something you wanted to say?"

"Oh. Oh right." Klaus muttered, but Grace could see that he was not happy having been put on the spot. "Well Grace...I suppose there's a secret I think it's time I told you."

"Oooh I love secrets!" Grace said excitedly.

"And I hope you will love this one as much as I do." Klaus' eyes locked onto Amelia's with an affection he had failed at hiding. "I know I told you that Amelia was just a friend but she's really my—"

"Your girlfriend." Grace finished to her father's surprise.


"Yeah, I'm not stupid." Grace continued with a roll of her eyes. "I knew you two were together the whole time."

"Oh. And you—"

"And you're truly alright with that?" Her uncle Elijah asked in disbelief.

"Well yeah." In truth, Grace didn't feel one way or another about Amelia. But her father's feelings were clear and so she could deal with having a stepmother to feel indifferent about. "Dad, if you love Amelia, then I am happy for you."

Klaus leaned over to squeeze his daughter's hand affectionately and Grace beamed back at him with all the love she could muster.

"I love you, Sweetheart." Klaus told her.

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