Chapter 5

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George pov

The sun came shining in my room this morning. Today is the day where i meet my idol that i have wanted to meet for forever! The concert begins at 18:30 and ends somewhere at 21:00
I grabbed my phone to check my notifications as usual

- 3 new notifications


Excited 😻
why did you change my username

Nothing new, dream and Wilbur casually talking on twitter and saying how excited they are, i am also very excited! I stood up and walked downstairs to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast abd decided to finally reply to zak

"I'm literally more excited than you! Could you come earlier? I'm excited!"

"Earlier? Why?"

"I don't know, its boring to be here alone when there is something exciting coming up!"

"I guess you do have a point, I'll be there after a hour"

"See ya!"

I turned my phone off and started making me some breakfast, i decided to make one extra breakfast for zak in case he didn't have breakfast yet. I didn't mention it yet but im a great cook! I started making some food. I couldn't really decide on what i should eat so i just took the spaghetti. Now all i need to do is wait for zak, he'll be there soon hopefully


"A notification?" i just finished making spaghetti so i quickly put it in a bowl, then reaching over to grab my phone

Zak 👺
"I'm on my way already, I'll be there after like 10 minutes"

Gogy 😎
"Didn't you say that you'll be here only after an hour?"

Zak 👺
"Decided to leave early since i really have nothing to do."

Gogy 😎
"Okay fine, i made some breakfast just in case you're hungry"

Zak 👺
"Thank you! I didn't have breakfast this morning"

Gogy 😎
"Just as i expected, okay hurry up or else the food will get cold"

Zak 👺
"Do i have to ruin the whole traffic for that food?"

Gogy 😎
"My food is special and you know it, anybody who wants to try it would ruin the traffic for it. So go on!"

Zak 👺
"You are not funny george"

Gogy 😎
"Who said i was joking?"

I chuckled at the conversation we just had and decided to set up a movie since we still have 7 hours left until the concert

I jumped on my couch and started searching for a movie

"Harry Potter, Missing Christmas, little witch?"

"Does netflix really think im a kid?" i scoffed and continued searching for a movie, well, that didn't turn out good if you ask me. My recommendations were filled with some child - boring stuff! The only decent movie that was there is probably shrek, i didn't have any options left so we'll just watch shrek i guess.


"Finally you got here" i opened the door and welcomed zak inside

"I didn't even take so long! Anyways, what do u wanna do?"

"Well i wanted to watch a movie while we wait, but there was no decent stuff besides shrek"

"Shrek? You want to watch shrek?"

"It's not like we have any other choice after all"

Zak hopped on the couch and quickly pressed play

"Guess we'll watch shrek"

Clay pov

"Will come on!"

"What?" Wilbur took off his headphones and approached me

"Are you sure that you will memorise the lyrics this way?"

He was listening his song in headphones without singing or anything, just listening to memorise the lyrics for hours!

"It's the best way trust me on this one"

"It's not like i have a choice" i crossed my hands and tried to focus on things i still had to do "Ah, I forgot to ask you one thing." Wilbur looked at me with confused stare "What?"

"Well, we need to bring sapnap and Karl to the concert too. We will need some more instruments besides guitar and microphone, and we need someone to play it so"

"I have no issue with that, feel free to bring them but for which songs do we need other instruments?"

"I can't tell you yet, otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" i smirked and started heading back to my room to prepare



"So i got this and that..." i grabbed the clothes i prepared for the concert.
It was a nice light green sweather and a pair of grey pants to fit the vibe


"Who could it be this time"  i walked over to the counter and picked up my phone


"Hey dream! This is eret if you're wondering, your hair stylist will be there at 16:20"

"Alright, what hairstyle are we doing this time?"

"Something easy, try getting light green highlights!"

"Huh? How do you know that it will match my outfit"

"I clearly saw what you took yesterday, now get ready" he hung up



"Hello! So what hairstyle would you like?"

I sat down and stared at myself in the mirror "I'll just take light green highlights, that will be good enough"

The lady nodded and started adding the highlights while i messaged sapnap

sapnaaaap, will you be there today?

Snapchat 😍
You asked me yesterday so of course

Great! You can get dressed and start walking towards the concert place

Snapchat 😍
So early?

You'll just help us prepare stuff that isn't a tough work

Snapchat 😍

The lady finished doing my hair. "There you go dream, good luck on your show!"

I stood up and looked back at her with a smile "Thank you!" and then continued walking out of the salon

hi! Decided to split this chapter in a half since there is pretty much stuff going on in my life right now,  the next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow or after tomorrow, it all depends on my feelings since my sister and brother got covid :( i don't have it since i tested negative today but i really hope they recover soon. Thank you!

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