Chapter 23

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George pov

I walked inside my room and looked around. There was a warm carpet under my legs, it was pure white and really soft, i could stay here forever!

I walked over to the closer and slowly opened it, which revealed bunch of clothing

"Oh that's a lot of clothing for me, well then.."

I ran my hand through the clothes, it had black hoodie, green hoodie pink and other kind but i decided to go with pink one this time

"I didn't know they had pink version of their merch" i took the hoodie out of the closet and pulled it on myself

I continued looking at the clothes in front of me to see what other designs they have until something pulled me back

"AAAH" a scream escaped my mouth, following with a wheeze in my ears

"I didn't think that would scare you"

I looked up and saw dream smiling at me

"Well of course, i was concentrated"

"On what?" he raised his eyebrow

"The clothes? I wanted to see each of their design"

"Aah, i see. Well the pancakes are done so come whenever"

He let me go out of his grip and slowly walked downstairs

"Wait up!" i ran after him

We both came inside the kitchen where i saw Wilbur who was scrolling through his phone and eating pancakes. Dream gave me my plate with pancakes + cream on it and sat down on the chair beside me

"Thank you"

"Your welcome"

I started eating the pancakes while dream and Wilbur were scrolling on their phones, wilbur was typing something while dream was just running his eyes through a text which i could see a little in his eye reflection

"Why are you both so concentrated on your phones lately?"

"Well I'm talking with our manager - Eret. He needs to know the songs we're singing tomorrow" wilbur said

"Alright. What about you dream?"

"I'm repeating the lyrics for that special song"

"You mean, you're trying to memorize the lyrics?"


"Ooh then im excited"

I finished eating the pancakes, so i took my plate to the dish washer

"So is there anything else we can do today?" i leaned against the wall beside me

"Wilbur prepared something for the evening, but for now we have nothing to do"

"Then let's find something to do?"

"Alright, Wilbur are you coming?"

"Sorry i probably can't. Eret can be really annoying sometimes"

"That's fine. Join us if you want"

Dream put his phone down and stood up

"Let's go outside and see what we can do then"

"Good idea"

We both walked outside and the bright sun hit our eyes.

"You said that there is a lake nearby, can we go see it?"

"I don't see why not"

Dream started leading the way and there was long bit of silence. I was looking around while following dream and he was just leading the way without saying a word

"You seem quieter than usual, are you nervous about the show?"

"Yeah, pretty much"

"Oh, you will do great im sure! There wasn't a single concert where you sounded bad. You always do so well!"

"Geoorgee" dream stopped and looked at me

"What?" i asked when I saw dream open his arms.

"Give me a hug"

I smiled and went in for a warm hug that dream gladly accepted

"I'm glad to have you as a friend, you're so comforting"

"Thank you, im glad to have you as a friend too"

"And we already arrived"

"Really?" i pulled away from the hug and looked at the lake behind dream

"It does have ducks after all!"

I ran closer to the river with dream walking behind me

"Awe, look at them go!"

"You really like ducks, don't you?" dream laughed

"Of course i do. They are one of the sweetest animals I've ever seen"

"Get your own duck then"

"Oh, that's too mcuh responsibility and i think i wouldn't be able to handle it. They deserve to be free"

"You do have a point"

Dream kneeled down to the water and ran his hand through it for a while until splashing me with it



"Swim with the ducks, become one now!"

"You idiot!"


"Where are your manners?"

George was now completely covered in water, his hair was soaking wet and his clothes were half dry- half wet.

Dream started running for his dear life while George kept chasing him around the whole lake

"You have no chances in catching me!" dream yelled on the other side of the lake


George splashed the water on dream with his leg from the other side


"Oh you did not!"

Dream splashed the water back but George successfully dodged that

"However im still soaking wet, while you're half dry"

"What's your point?"

George ran around the lake in hopes to catch dream, but he didn't seem to be getting close

"Ooh its getting quite cold" george pretended to shiver and it seemed to work, since dream already approached him and already pulled him in a warm hug

"I'm sorry"

"Yeah, me too"

"Wait, why are you sorry?"

"For this"


Now dream was half wet- and half dry just like George. His hair was now also soaking wet, but all he did was laugh

"i see how it is!"

Dream splashed more water on George, but George just kept doing the same until they both were now fully wet because of the water.

"You two idiots! You've got a concert tomorrow, Dream, do you really want your voice to be cracked?"

"Oh come on, a little bit of fun wouldn't hurt!"

"Get back inside. Both of you"

"You're acting like our dad now, however i think you're right this time" i laughed


All 3 of us started slowly walking home from the lake, still laughing about what we just did. Wilbur was the only one who was mad at us for doing whatever we just did back there, but i think he does have a point.

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