Chapter 22

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George pov

We walked out of the studio and dream immediately started showing me around & explaining much stuff that i simply couldn't process all at once

"We did take a look at the living room, but not fully, so let's go back and review it!"

"There is more stuff to review?"

"Obviously. You don't think that we'd buy this huge house with studio in it just for it to have nothing special?"

"You do have a point there"

"I always have a point at the things I'm saying" dream shrugged and started heading towards the living room with me following him behind. When we came in the living room my eyes were still staring at the same spot. The ceiling.

"So as i was saying - this livingroom-" dream stopped and stared at me "What's so special about that ceiling?" he looked up again

"I have no idea honestly, but your handwriting is pretty"

"I won't be surprised if you sleep in the living room tonight." dream chuckled "Anyway, we have this TV in the middle and the most comfortable couch you've ever sat on, try it out!"

I finally got my eyes off the ceiling at sat down on the couch next to dream

"Woah! It is really soft and comfortable after all" i ran my hand through the material of the couch

"Told you! Well, since you really like the ceiling, how about.." dream stood up and grabbed bucket of paint

"How about you write your own name on it?"

I looked at dream with confusion "My... Own name?"

"Yeah! Since you're the only person I've ever invited here, besides Wilbur of course"

"Well- are you sure?"


I slowly stood up and looked at the ceiling again

"And how did you do that?"

"Well, simple. I was standing on a chair and using a brush to write my own name"

"Alright. I think i can do this"

Dream started wheezing out of nowhere

"What's so funny?"

"How do you plan on reaching the ceiling?"

I sighed and pointed my finger at the chair in the background


"You will reach the ceiling with that?"

"Obviously, do you have any other ways on how to reach it, sherlock?"

"Well i could pick you up-"

"No. I'm taking the chair"

I walked past dream and grabbed the chair which i carried back to the place where I was standing just now and got on the chair

"All done. I'll write my name between yours and wilbur's!"

Dream smiled and held the paint for me while i was writing my name on the ceiling

"george :]"

"That looks great! Our handwritings are very similar"

"They actually are!"

"Hold on let me try something"

Dream took the paint brush i had in my hands and stood on the other chair that the living room had.

He reached over to his name on the ceiling and added a ":]" next to it

"Now we're matching!"

"The living room is perfect now"

Dream got off the chair and got me off too

"How about we continue the tour around the house? We've been here for too long you know.."

I laughed and quickly carried both of the chairs back to where they were

"Continue touring then"

Dream started walking forward and showing me around the house, he showed me the room where i will stay in for this night, then he showed me his room and wilbur's, all of those rooms were very well decorated and had a modern style which i admit liked very much

"Anddd last but not least - Kitchen!"

"Speaking of kitchen, I'm hungry"



"And what would you like to eat?"

"I don't know, the pancakes in the morning were good"

"I'll make some for you, meanwhile you can go change your clothes and do something"


"Of course" dream smiled while i pulled him in a tight hug

"You're the best!" i rushed away to change my clothes and maybe shower

Wilbur pov

I accidently overheard their conversation while walking outside of the studio. But they didn't notice it so that's fine, i walked to the kitchen to see dream searching for something in all cabinets

"What are you looking for?"


"And why do you need it?"

"I'm making pancakes for George, do you want some too?"

"Sure! But why the cream through?"

"George likes pancakes with cream and strawberries on top, i have to make it perfect"

"You are such a simp sometimes dream, however that scene was really adorable"

"Which one?" dream asked while pulling a whole box out of one of the cabinets in order to find cream

"You know.. The hug one"

"The one that happened just now?"

"Yeah! That was cute"

"Ah! Found it"

"Alright, i won't bother you anymore"

"No its fine, you can talk to me if you want it doesn't bother me"

"Well, i do have some other stuff to do" i opened one of the cabinets and pulled chef's hat out of there

"This one will fit you" i pulled the chef's hat on dream's head

"Alright, I'll start cooking now"

"Don't overwork yourself"

"I won't"

We all know that dream won't listen to Wilbur and overwork himself for his gogy💀 hope you enjoyed!

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