Chapter 14

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George pov

I might have acted over dramatic back there, but i really want dream to be happy. He just got reunited by his school best friend and its fine if he hangs out with her more. I have no issue with brianna but why was she doing some stuff that she shouldn't have done?


i got up from the corner of my room and grabbed my phone that was on the counter. Its dream, he's calling

"Hey George how are you?"

"Hey dream, i am okay, what about you?"

"I'm fine, i was kind of worried because you just went home for no reason after that"

Dream, so naive. No reason? She pushed me into the lake on purpose how couldn't you see that.

"nah, everything is fine don't worry about it, how was the restaurant?"

"It was great, the food waa delicious"

"Glad to hear that, any more plans?"

"Not really. Brianna wants to stay over at my house so i thought I'd invite you too, it's like a sleepover you know?"

"Ah, I'd love to come but when?"

"Tomorrow evening, I'll pick you up if you want"

"There is no need dream, i can walk"

"there is no way in getting out of this George, I'll pick you up and i don't take no need as an answer"


"Come to the studio we can have breakfast together, zak is also here"

"Sure ill be there soon"

"You ain't walking"

"Dream come on its only 10 minutes away, i can walk"

"It's too late, my manager said that he can pick you up"

"You gave him my address?"

"Yeeh.. Kinda, get dressed and go outside he's waiting for you"

"you shouldn't have, i could walk!"

"Get dressed im not repeating myself" and he hung up.

When i wasn't friends with him yet, i already knew that he's that one person that cares about his friends a lot, its obvious, he's really sweet and that's great

I got up from the corner and started searching for something. But my eyes could only see one thing to wear, dreams hoodie that he gave me yesterday. I should give it back to him since he forgot to take it back.
I took the hoodie and put it on while rushing downstairs

Dream said that his manager is waiting for me in the car - so probably near my house. I went outside and locked the door behind me

"I have no idea what the car looks like"

"HEY!!" someone yelled across the street and that caught my attention

"Tommy?" i crossed the road and approached him

"hey George"

"what are you doing here?"

"dream sent me to you, well he asked me to go with his manager in case he gets lost"

"Ah, i couldn't find the correct car so im glad you're here"

"Sure, hop inside"

I followed Tommy in the car and sat in the backseat while Tommy sat in front with dream's manager

"We can go now"

The manager simply nodded and started driving forward

"Eret you haven't met George yet"

"You can introduce me to him later, i have to focus on the road"

"Finee, GEORGE"

"What?" tommy's yelling caught me off guard

"Dream actually never dated anyone, he always said he's not interested even in the prettiest girls, you must be very lucky to be his fiancé"

"Fiancé?" dreams manager repeated tommy's words

"Yeah, apparently George is dream's fiancé

"Tommy i am not his fiancé, you just assumed that when i first met you"

"Oh i know that, i kept teasing dream like that and you should've seen his face! Although.." he went silent "Although he looks at you in a different way, do you know what i mean?"


"You'll find out what i meant later"

Dreams manager parked the car in front of the studio and got out of the car, tommy followed him and so did i.

"So eret, this is George, dream's fiancé"

I simply sighed and gave eret an awkward smile "Nice to meet you eret, i am George"

"Nice to meet you too" he smiled

"Tommy can you lead the way for George? Dream mentioned that he will be at the kitchen inside, i have to pick up some stuff from their mansion"

"Mansion?" i repeated eret's words

"Yeah, you're forgetting that they're millionaires." eret hopped in the car and started driving away

"Well, let's go then" Tommy shrugged and i nodded

We went inside and got our shoes off

"Well noe you can do whatever you want, you knoe the studio very well im assuming."

"I do"

"Well then I'll be in the gaming room if you need me" he turned around and rushed away

I didn't really pay attention to anything so i got my phone out and texted dream

I'm in the hallway already

Dre 👿

I turned my phone off and started walking towards the kitchen. I was very excited since dream will teach me how to play the guitar today, and having breakfast with them is somehow fun too.. Ohh i wonder what food they have

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