Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Earth's Point of view

That's what i am.

Torfun..has been my first love since childhood and mix...was my highschool lover.
Mix may be my lover but torfun will always be my first choice i said,
Not until i got to witness the love of my life getting shot infront of me!

I watched how some of the school's mens carried his lifeless body,his eyes was still open and looking at the sky as if he didn't get shot.

It's almost like.. he's happy to be released from this evil program.

How? How did he know?How did mix know that he'll be the next one on the list?

I watched how torfun hugged her stomach and looked at me,i only smiled at her weakly before walking away. Still grasping mix's promise ring close to my chest.

"I'm sorry."


Author's Point of view

Win stared at the girl infront of him as he stares with so much hate in his eyes.
The way tu hurt his younger sister prim just because she's hugging bright,thanking him for some love advice to her girlfriend.This girl is not only delusional.She's also manipulative and obsessive.

She's oblivious about bright hating her.

He watched how she smiled fakely at him as two boys came towards her.

Win clenched his hand,the two boys whose looking at him beside tu was none other than Nani and Dew.

He knows nani because the guy has been courting him ever since but win doesn't like him the way he likes bright.

"Win."a deep voice called out making it send shivers to the four's back.

"Ignore them and let's go metawin."the voice said one more time before dragging win out of the scene,

Both of them can still here tu mocking win and walking to the corridors.As much as win wanted to go there to bright he can't. Especially when the man that longs him is here.

Joss Way-ar,his ex lover.
Joss is two years older than him and doesn't study here,'he must've had access to the principal.. 'win thought.

Bright and Him have fought because of joss before,even though win doesn't like the older anymore,he can't seem to ignore the older's wishes.

And that annoys bright.

"P' can let go of me now."he pleaded but the older just looked at him and shook his head,"I'm not letting you go again win.Never again."Win sighed, slightly annoyed at the older but he was careful enough to not activate his potential.

Suddenly,his phone rang.
He looked at the taller man before grabbing his phone,hoping that it was bright whose calling him but no.

It was earth.

He sighed before picking it up, unaware of things that Will come their way

("He's dead win..Mix is dead!") And then the line dropped,making win's eyes widened in sadness and fear.

He clutched the tallers hand before pulling away,running towards the Highschool unit.

His tears were already dropping,his arms are already sparkling with fire as he rushed towards the GT classroom to inform gulf and the others.


Meanwhile mew,who was sulking with off on the secret garden he and gulf went before.Off was so done with his bestfriend's antics so he decided to open his phone and text gun,but 5 minutes later, the latter hasn't replied yet and it made off worried knowing the situation they're in.

He looked at mew whose passed out on the grass before rolling his eyes,"You should wait until this bloody nightmare then..maybe we'll be able to do what we want."he whispered before slowly drifting to sleep.

As for gulf,he was with gun whose crying hard on his chest.Both of them were in despair because of mix's sudden death i mean,no one expected that something like that would happen to the friendly guy!

"Gun,crying won't solve anything."gulf mumbled as gun stopped crying to look at gulf in disbelief.

"I can't fucking believe you."gun unexpectedly slap gulf as the petite guy didn't budge,"You just fucking lost a brother and now our bestfriend and you act like nothing's wrong?How fucking dense can you be!?"gun yelled at gulf whose looking down without any emotion in his face.

"I wish it had been you who died instead! I'm so sick of your smart ass trying to fit in,in our friend group! You don't belong here okay! You don't!?"
Gulf stood up with tears in his eyes making gun realized what he's saying.

"Gulf.. I'm sorry-"

"No.. You're right gun. I'm just a dumb kid whose trying to fit in to anyone's friend group. It's my fault. But i am not dense. You're right,i should've been the one who died instead of Aj,mix and the other seniors who died. I'm not dense gun.. I'm feeling so much worst inside as it happened to me countless times. My traumas aren't even healed yet..i still have open wounds but i chose to shut my mouth because i know no one would care.No one will help me but myself."gulf cried as he left gun whose stunned on the room.

He gripped his hair not knowing what to do anymore.

He cried for the past two hours now and yet,he can't seem  to stop.He had hurt his best friend,who wouldn't feel bad at this point?

Suddenly,his phone buzzed.

He opened his phone to see an unknown number messaged him..
It was a disturbing text to the point that he almost threw his phone across the wall in fear,

( For text " ('') " )

('Stab tay tawan on the back or use your potential to make off Jumpol lose his mind and kill himself. If you won't do it in the next two days, you're life will be in our hands.')


"So far,nothing related to the mastermind was in the flashdrive."bright mumbled as he questioned his lover's where abouts.

When he was about to call win,the door opened.
He smiled before turning his chair only to be welcomed by the people he hate the most.

"Have you missed me brighty?", That annoying pitched voice..It made him vomit.

"Why would i?"this made tu shut up as nani and dew were ready to attack him but of course,with his potential, he's clearly ten times stronger than them.

He looked at them with his cold face before pointing at the exit,


(I can't remember if i told you bright's potential yet,i have short term memory loss and my mental health isn't really doing well these days.)




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