☁️Ranboo & Tubbo🖤

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It was raining outside, the sky was grey and the Beloveds had just finished watching The Princess Bride. Michael was asleep in his room and Tubbo was snuggled up, under many blankets, next to Ranboo.

"Hey Ranboo?" The small fluffy haired brunette asks curled up on the couch next to his beloved.

"Yes?" He replies, staring into Tubbo's green eyes.

"What movie should we watch now?" He asks, laughing at Ranboo's intense gaze.

"O-oh," he laughs "I thought it was going to be something important...or bad,"

"No," he smiles "We could watch Captain America!"

"As you wish," he responds. Tubbo laughs. In the end they got half way through the movie before Tubbo was fast asleep on Ranboo's shoulder. Ok Ranboo thinks to himself I'll just turn off the TV and go to bed. He looks over at a sleeping Tubbo. I don't wanna wake him though. It's fine. I'll stay here. He yawns and within a few minutes is asleep.

Tubbo wakes up around three. It's just now getting light outside and the TV is still on from the previous night. He hears crying coming from upstairs. Michael! He thinks to himself. He sprints up the stairs trying to get to his son as quickly as possible. He peeks his head into the door.

"Hey Mi- what?" He sees Ranboo, standing in front of his son, holding a sword above his head. Michael was terrified, sobbing huge tears rolling down his cheeks as he looked up at Ranboo. Tubbo races over right in front of his platonic husband to where his son is standing.

"Stop!" He says looking into Ranboo's glowing purple eyes as he holds back tears "He's your son!" Ranboo replies something in enderman that Tubbo can understand.

"And I'm your husband...platonically," he says, starting to cry "And I love you!" He says sobbing. Ranboo slowly lowers the sword to his side. His eyes stop glowing and change to their normal green and red.

"Wha," Ranboo says "What did I do?"

Tubbo looks up into Ranboo's eyes. Ranboo drops the sword to the ground and crumbles to the floor in tears.

"Hey," Tubbo says lovingly as he kneels down "It's alright. You didn't hurt anyone," he places his hand on Ranboo's face to wipe his tears as they start to burn his half enderman skin "Come on hun. Get up. If you keep crying I'm going to start crying again," Ranboo smiles and stands up.

"Ok," Ranboo says. Michael is standing behind Tubbo with a terrified look on his tiny face. "Hey," Ranboo says walking over to Michael. He runs away to a corner of the room "It's dad. I'm not going to hurt you," Michael looks up at Tubbo with a worried look.

"It's alright," Tubbo says. Michael runs into Ranboo's now outstretched arms.

"Hey buddy," Ranboo says smiling as he swoops Michael up into his arms. Tubbo laughs.

"Well that was interesting," he says walking over to his family "Are you alright?" He asks Ranboo. He nods in response.

"As good as I can be but the voices..."

"Shhh I know hun," he says trying to comfort him as he wrapped him in a hug.

"Wait," Ranboo steps back "Who are you?" Tubbo looks horrified as he gently lifts his son from Ranboo's arms.

"Not again," he says quietly "I'm your husband,"

"No your not. I'd remember that,"

 "I'm Tubbo, remember?"

"Oh Tubbo!" He says and wraps him up in a hug "I know you!"

"I should hope so," he laughs awkwardly

"And that's...." He points at Michael "Michael!"

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