💖Dnf in Prison💖

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FYI: this is kind of a sequel to the last story in the sense that it's in the same setting but a much more pleasant (but still sexual) situation. Have fun reading (this is pretty much just sex with a tiny bit of a plot so yea)

Dream sits on his prison bed, legs crossed, with a plate of 'food' on his lap. He moves around the pile of mush with his fork in a bored manner while staring off at nothing in particular. He hears the noise of the lava door starting to open. Oh God no. He thinks to himself Wonder who's going to try to kill me today. The doors finally creak open to reveal George standing there adorned in a kings outfit, robe and shining gold jewelry. 

"Dream!" He shouts, excitedly dashing over to the taller man, sitting on his lap and embracing him, slinging the plate aside "Oh my god, sorry about the mess,"

"We've made worse messes," Dream smirks, already feeling a problem forming in his pants from the boy on his lap. George leans away from the hug his face turning a light shade of red.

"Oh?," he replies "Somebody's in a mood," he giggles playfully

"You could say that," he flicks his eyes to George's lips in a sort of hint. George gets up and backs up in a teasing way.

"Dream you realize I'm king now I can't be doing irresponsible things anymore,"  He says as Dream starts to stand and follow him. Dream now backing him into a wall grabs his chin roughly and tilts it upwards. Blue doe eyes focused on sharp green ones.

"Love, for twenty three hours of the day you're king but for this hour you're my little slut," he whispers breathily against his neck. His hot breath sends shivers down the smaller boys spine. Mhm~ George whimpers. "What was that pretty boy? Already making those beautiful noises for me?" Dream traces his hand down his neck then continuing till his stomach. He places a hand on each side of his waistband and slowly starts pulling off the smaller boys pants stopping to caress his thighs which made George let out even more whimpers and moans. "You're just so sensitive handsome," he quickly pulls off his pants to his ankles and George flicks them off the rest of the way sending them flying. Dream places gentle kisses on his stomach moving downwards until he reaches his thigh. He pauses, standing up fully and places his hands near George's chest gently unclipping his cape and tossing it aside. He fumbles through the ruffles near his neck to find the button  then gently unbuttons Georges top, one, painful bit at a time. 

"God you're taking forever Dream," George says in a breathy voice

"Can you be patient my king, you'll get what you want don't worry," Dream mumbles still messing with the final button. He gets it undone and George hastily removes his shirt. Dream unzips his orange jumpsuit and tosses the garment aside. He resumes the position on his knees placing gentle kisses on George's thighs, progressively getting rougher to the point of leaving hickeys near the smaller boy's member. He looks up into George's light blue eyes with a smug smile. "I have to let everyone know that you're my little boy toy. Alright love?"

"Yes sir," he barley whispers 

"What was that? I couldn't hear you,"

"I-I said yes sir," he replies again breathily "P-please just hurry,"

"You little slut,"Dream says through gritted teeth " I'm gonna give you the time of your life, just be patient," He bends his head back down and starts to slowly tease George's tip. Licking the pre-cum that had started to drip out of his slit. He moves his head up and readjusts his body, rubbing his own, hardened cock as he does to try to ease the discomfort. He places one, rough hand on the smaller boys member and starts to stroke. A slow up and down motion sending vibrations up George's cock. 

Ohhh god~ he moans as Dream continues to pump faster "I'm about to-," 

"Now pretty boy," he says, suddenly interrupting,  stopping and standing up "I need you to walk over to that bed for me and stick that beautiful ass of yours in the air. Don't even think about touching yourself,"

"Yes sir," George responds walking shakily over as he instructed. Dream follows shortly behind as George bends over on the bed. Dream sits on the edge of the bed, kneeling, lining up with George's entrance. He strokes his own, throbbing, cock rubbing the small amount of pre-cum over it. He places his member, slowly, inside George. 

Mhmm~ George moans almost immediately 

"God you feel so good love," Dream says grabbing George's ass and begin to thrust, slowly, carefully, making sure to hit the right places. George lets out an array of moans and whimpers as Dream speeds up his thrusts hitting his prostate nearly every time. 

O-ohh~ He continues moaning "god, Dream c-can I cum please,"

"Of course l-love" He stammers feeling a wave of pleasure wash over him. 

Ohhhh fuck~ George releases onto the bed as Dream continues to thrust. 

Oh god George you're such a good little slut~ He picks up the pace and slings his head back as he finishes inside the boy. Oh God~. He breaths heavily as he pulls out of George's ass. "I have no fucking idea what Sam's gonna say but it doesn't even matter,"

"Y-yea, that was worth it," George sits up facing Dream on the bed.

"I'll go get some spare sheets out of the chest I guess and we could cuddle if you'd like," he offers as he kisses George's cheek    

"Yea that sounds nice," he replies. Dream walks over to where his chest is and retrieves the sheets. He picks George up off the bed and makes it quickly. They lay down together covered in the thin prison blanket, arms wrapped around each other in a warm embrace. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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