😡🖤💖Quackity visits Dream in prison💖🖤😳

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*Warning* blood & rape (I'm so sorry)

Quackity sits outside of Pandora's vault, waiting patiently. "Sam!?" He calls "I told you I was paying Dream a visit what the h-," he gets cut off by the huge door opening. After walking through a series of lava doors and security he reaches a control panel where Sam sits perched on a swivel chair surrounded by monitors.

 "Oh hey Quackity," Sam says spinning away from the monitors "You finally made it,"

"What's that supposed to mean it took me an hour to get through security?!" 

"Whatever," Sam laughed "Just go visit him. You have an hour. I'm going to go on break for like 30 minutes but he won't get out don't worry"

"Oh, alright," Sam presses a few buttons on the control pad and instructs Quackity on where to go. He walks into Dreams mostly empty cell. A bed sits in one corner while in the other is a book stand, a cauldron, a chest and a clock. Dream sits up in bed a Quackity enters.

"Sam didn't tell me you were coming," Dream says in a curious tone.

"Well I'm here. So let's get down to business," he replies firmly.

"What busine-"

"The book. Give it to me," Quackity says pulling out an axe and walking over to point it at Dream

"What the- No! I'm not going to just give you the book. I need it," he says in a shocked voice.

"You also need your life," he pushes the axe up to Dream's neck forcing him up against the wall while still seated on the bed. Quackity leans over the end of the bed staring into Dream's eyes trying his best to be intimidating despite his small size.

"I'm not giving you the book." Dream responds in a forceful tone through gritted teeth.

"Fine. I'll try a different approach," Quackity drops the axe to the side and in one swift movement holds both of Dreams handcuffed hands over his head "Now give me the book or this will get a lot worse for you,"

"No," he responds trying to maintain an even tone as sweat starts to bead up on his forehead.

"Fine," Quackity responds tilting his head to the side and kissing Dream roughly on the lips. Dream pouts in defiance as Quackity attempts to pry his mouth open with his tongue. He succeeds but the larger man bites down on the smaller's tongue. Quackity pulls away quickly still holding Dream's hands. "Give me the damn book Dream," he says in agitated voice.

"N-no. I need it you psycho,"

"Oh I'm the psycho?! Not you the one who's tortured countless people," Dream doesn't respond "Yeah that's what I thought,"

"We'll I'm not giving you the book," he replies trying but failing, to maintain eye contact.

"I'll make you then," Quackity replies placing one hand firmly on Dream's inner thigh while the other still holds his hands. Dream lets out a small groan as Quackity moves his hand closer to his dick.

"S-stop. What the hell?" Dream try's to struggle out of Quackity's grip but can't. "S-stop please," he begs.

"Give me the book and this can all be over," he replies as his hand moves up to grab the waistband of Dream's orange prison pants. He slides off his pants followed shortly by his boxers, he then grabs the axe with his free hand and points it back to Dream's neck. He releases his grip from the other man's hands and cuts off his shirt with the axe, leaving small scratches on Dream's chest. Dream winces as he cuts gently into his chest with the axe. Blood beads up in tiny droplets on his chest. Dream lets out a small whimper. "Is that all you got?" Quackity teases "That wasn't even really a moan," Dream feels a tight feeling in his member.

 "Oh shi-," he says breathily 

"Oh? Enjoying this I see," he replies motioning to the larger man's hardened cock.

"N-no," Dream responds trying to sound irritated

"Then how bout I try something else," he flips Dream over onto the bed. His exposed ass sticks in the air, Quackity's tight grip on his handcuffed hands. The smaller one in a plank like position over his naked body. He skillfully slides off his own pants and boxers in one quick motion, followed by his shirt, having to swap which hand holds Dream's to do so. He rests his own cock near Dreams entrance and starts grinding back and forth.  "Oohhhh~ N-now give me that fucking book Dream and this can all stop,"

"No." Dream replies firmly 

"Fine," Quackity thrusts into Dream grabbing his hips and moving in a rhythm. 

"Aahhouu~ That fuc- that hurts," Quackity continues thrusting Dream starting to move his hips in rhythm with Quackity

"I'm bored," Quackity announces pulling his cock out of Dream. He rolls over the bigger man and places his head near Dream's member. He licks at the tip before taking most of his length in his mouth. He sucks on the larger's cock sending vibrations up Dream's body. He continues sucking until he feels his cock start to twitch. He removes his mouth and sits up with a grin. Getting on top of Dream he pins his hands up against the wall. Dream bucks his hips up at Quackity. "No I don't think so," he teases reaching one hand down to touch his own cock. He strokes himself in a rhythmic manner before wrapping his thighs around Dream's neck and placing his cock in the larger's open mouth. "Suck," he instructs 


"Do you want me to kill you and steal the book?" Dream reluctantly closes his lips around the smaller's hardened cock. Quackity thrusts into Dreams mouth as he sucks. Quackity feels his dick start to twitch sending waves of pleasure through his body. "Ohhhhhhh~," Quackity moans as he cums into Dreams mouth. He pulls out and Dream spits the cum onto the floor.

"Disgusting," he says under his breath. Quackity places both hands back on Dream's and puts his hips back over Dream's waist. 

"Now give me the book or I will handcuff you to this bed and leave you here, with your dick hard, for Sam to deal with. Ok?" 

"Quackity what the hell!?" Sam opens the lava door and walks into the cell "I went on break for less than 30 minutes and I come back to this!?" He motions at the pair "Get your clothes back on Quackity and leave. Dream... ummmm I don't care what you just don't leave,"

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