☁️❄️ Dreamnotfound ❄️☁️

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   It was a cold winter day ... well cold for Florida. Dream was on his phone on the couch with George laying on his shoulder, wrapped up in a blanket. He was looking through his Instagram and saw where there was an indoor ice skating place that was going to be opened. It was about an hour from his house. 

"Gogy," dream says looking down at the small brunette on his shoulder 

"Yea," he replies sleepily

"You wanna go ice skating,"

"We're in Flo-" he yawns "Florida. It's not cold here,"

"They opened an indoor one. It's pretty close to the house,"

"How close is pretty close,"

"Okay it's like an hour away," he said quietly

"Oh," he yawns again "Can I sleep on the way,"

"I don't care," Dream laughs

"I'll go then," he replies

"Okay!" Dream replies excitedly "I was bored anyways,"

"Oh am I not entertaining enough Dreamie?"

"No," he started laughing "N-no, you are,"

After they both changed into warmer clothes they hopped into Dream's car. George had brought a blanket and was snuggled up in the seat. Dream turned the keys in the car, stepped on the gas and they headed down the road.

They'd drove for about ten minutes, listening to calm music and George drifted off to sleep. Dream looked over at his tired boy in the passenger seat and smiled as he re-focused on the road. 

After about an hour they'd arrived (Heatwaves had started playing not long before they got there and Dream's singing woke up George) Dream got out of the car and helped a, now wide awake George, out of the car.

"Yay!" George says excitedly "We're here!" He grabs Dream's hand, practically skipping as he pulls the blonde man along.

"W-whoa!" He laughs "Slow down!" They stop, Dream spins George around and then hugs him tight. George feels his heart explode, he wishes that moment could last forever. The Dream let's him go and they walk inside holding hands.

When they walk in George instantly cuddles close to Dream. "It's cold," George whines. Dream laughs 

"You want my jacket?" They walk to the register 

"I-I'm good," he says shivering

"Okay," Dream takes off his jacket and wraps it around George "Here,"

"I- I don't need it," he replies snuggling closer to Dream as they approach the register.

"Yea right," he looks down at the small brunette and smiles. They pay for an hour of ice skating and walk over to another counter where a red haired lady hands them skates.

"This looks hard," George says trying to put on the skates.

"Don't put them on yet Gogy. You can't walk from here to the ice wearing them,"

"Oh...true," he replies defeatedly as Dream laughs. They walk over to a bench right outside the door to the rink. 

"Sit down here," Dream says sitting down and patting the spot next to him. George obeys. He struggles with his skates for a while as Dream speedily puts his on "Need help?" Dream asks "Looks like you're having some trouble," George looks at him and nods. Dream bends down and helps him put on his skates. They stumble over to the door and hop on the ice. George almost immediately starts panicking and grabs onto Dream arm

"I-I'm gonna fall Dream!" He stumbles and nearly falls but Dream catches him

"Your fine Gogy," Dream says as George, terrified, clings to Dream. Dream looks down at the brunette holding with a death grip on his arm. He plants a gentle kiss on George forehead. "Just stand up," he says encouragingly helping the smaller man up. George stands up and half walks half falls a few feet before stumbling back to Dream's side. Dream laughs "Just hold my hand and I'll help you," George clasps Dream's hand in his own. "Now move like this," Dream instructs as he slides his right, then left, foot across the ice. He pulls George along the few feet. George instinctively grabs both of Dreams hands and Dream spins them around. George hugs Dream tightly trying not to fall. "Let go," Dream says softly "Just hold my hand and I'll support you'll back and show you how to skate,"

"Okay!" George replies happily for the first time since they'd gotten on the ice. He grabs Dreams hand ,again, and Dream wraps his other hand around George's waist to keep him from falling. 

"Remember what I showed you?" Dream says as he moves his feet slowly as he'd done previously

"Yeah," George replies mocking Dream's movements but staying still. He looks up at Dream frustrated 

"You've got to push off with your feet," Dream describes. George does as he says and moves himself forward about a foot. He laughs joyfully "Yes! Now just keep doing that but switch feet,"

"Okay," he continues pushing off the ground moving slowly at first as Dream supports him. Eventually, he's sped up and hasn't stumbled for a while so Dream moves his hand away from his back. Still following him so he can catch him if necessary. George barley even notices as he continues to skate around. "I'm doing it Dream!" He yells excitedly 

"Yay!" Dream replies sounding more like a proud father than a boyfriend "You're doing great!"

For the next hour George and Dream skate happily around the rink ,holding hands. When their hour time is up they return their skates and get hot chocolate. They snuggle on one of the couches in the food area and drink their hot chocolate. After that they head home. Dream driving as George excitedly sang alone with every song on the radio (Dream knew all the songs but enjoyed hearing George's voice)Every now and then Dream would have to turn down the music so George could talk about how happy he was that he could finally ice skate or just ramble about a show they'd watched. Overall the car ride was nice and the couple arrived home safely. They were both exhausted from the day and decided to take a nap together. George snuggled up on Dream's chest  fell asleep in minutes. He's so cute when he's asleep Dream thinks  I need to get him tired out more often.  He laughs quietly to himself and in a few minutes he too has drifted off to sleep.

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