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Dream and his best friend Nick have just finished their last year of high school. It is  finally summer and almost every hour they have off work they spend at the beach. Their day starts out normally, with them both going to work. Afterwards they walk over to the beach (just a few blocks from the pizza place they worked at) and both change into their swimsuits. Dream grabbs his umbrella out of his bag and sets it up along with a towel to lay on. Nick goes into the little shop, chats with the owner's daughter, then grabs his surfboard from where he stores it. Dream watches as Nick runs full speed out into the waves and crashes to the ground. He laughs to himself as he puts on his sunglasses. Nick surfs for a while as Dream looks carelessly at his phone. At one point he looks over at the lifeguard stand. Nick usually tried to flirt with whoever was on duty, so Dream knew all the lifeguards by name. He notices, however, this time it wasn't a girl adorned in all red, sitting on the lifeguards stand, it was a shorter brunette boy. He is wearing way too short red shorts and no shirt, a lanyard dangles from around his neck.  Dream is confused and decides to go talk to the, in his opinion, kind of cute young man. 

"Hey?" Dream calls from below the stand "I've never seen you before. Are you new?"

"Oh," the boy says in a feathery British accent "Yes I am. I just needed a summer job," he laughed "Who are you?"

"My name's Dream," the boy climbs down the ladder and sticks out a hand, Dream shakes it as he feels his face turn a dark shade of pink.

"George. But you can call me Gogy," he smiles fondly at Dream

"Nice to meet you umm I gotta go umm my friend's waiting for me," Dream says nervously, seeing Nick walk out of the ocean.

"Oh, okay," George says sounding kind of disappointed "Bye. Can we talk tomorrow? Maybe?"

"Yes, sounds nice," Dream says "See you tomorrow," he practically runs over to Nick as George smiles and climbs back to his post.

"Who was that?" Nick asks

"Umm just the lifeguard,"

"You like him don't you?"


"It's okay if you do. You can tell me,"

"Okay fine. He's cute,"


"Hey back off Nick,"

"Whatever," he laughs and ruffles Dreams hair.

The next day the pair finish up work and go to the  beach as usual. Dream changes as quickly as possible and sprints over to the lifeguard stand. George sees him and jumps down from his stand, landing skillfully into the sand. 

"Hey Dream!" He says happily 

"Hey George," 

The two talk for a while before George eventually says he needs to get back to work

"Ya know don't want to get fired," he says laughing "We can talk at the store when my shifts over,"

"Alright," Dream walks over to where he'd put his stuff down. Nick is standing by the umbrella re-applying sunscreen. "Hey could you teach me how to surf?"

"Wha- Really!? You've never been interested in it before,"


"It's that boy isn't it?"


"Okay let's go get you a board from Stephanie," 

They return from the shop, Nick holding his black board Dream holding a green one. They go out onto the water and Dream does well at first. Nick stares in astonishment as he manages to ride a wave after a few minutes of practice. The waves carry the two down to where George is. Dream comes up with a plan. He waits for a big wave and tries to ride it back to shore, instead he falls off his board, the waves crashing over his head. George notices and immediately runs into the water. Dream is bashed onto the ocean floor. Salt getting shot into his mouth as he gasps for air. He manages to swim up but is drug under again. George finally reaches Dream and uses his red float to carry him back to shore. He lays Dream onto the ground as Nick comes running towards the two. 

"I-is he okay?"

"Quiet," George quiets him. He checks Dream for a pulse and feels nothing. He starts to preform CPR. Pushing down on his chest and blowing air back into his lungs. He does this three times before Dream wakes up. He hurls up all the water in his lungs and takes a deep breath in. George presses his lips against Dream's in a deep but short kiss.

"I'm so glad you're alright, I was so worried," George says breathily

"What the heck?" Nick says "You two just met," Dream laughs

"It's fine," George responds "I've seen him here everyday since last summer,"

"Y-you have," Dream replies still out of breath 

"Yep. I thought you were so cute the first time and when you came up and talked to me I felt like I might melt,"

"Same," Dream responds "Well I'd never seen you before, it just felt right. Ya know?"

"Yea, it did feel right,"

"The kiss?" Nick asks still confused

"Yea idiot the kiss," Dream replies. "And another one wouldn't be half bad," 

"We might be able to arrange that," George winks. Dream scoops him up into his arms and carries him behind the store.

"Can we arrange it now?" He presses his lips onto George's as he pins him up against a wall. George's hand resting on Dreams shirtless chest.

They come out from behind the building a while later. 

"Finally," Nick says "Can we go home now?"

"Same time tomorrow?" Dream asks George 

"Sounds good to me,"

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