Train Ride. Train Wreck.

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3rd POV:

Harry walked with Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and Luna.
"Whats loony doing here?" Pansy whispered to Blaise. Blaise shrugged.
"Shut up. That's not her name." Draco growled.

"Calm down, loverboy." Pansy joked. Draco was flabbergasted.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Pansy? You always have someone else's name in your mouth. He said, furiously with no reason.

"Hmm? Draco, don't yell, it attracts slymper monkeys." Luna said.

Pansy put a finger to her head, moved it in a circle, and whistled.
"Pansy, do you ever shut your pie hole?" Harry uttered.
"Oh! Be nice, Harry! Its just a bit of fun, I'm sure. Right, Pansy?" Luna said.
"Whatever you say, Lovegood."

They slowly walked up to the station and boarded it. They picked a compartment in the very back.
"Quite dark back here, isn't it?" Luna asks.
Harry hummed in reply.

"Where are you lot going for summer?" Blaise asked.
"My dads house." Luna replied.
"The Manor." Draco said, bitterly.
"Im going to yours, doofus." Pansy said to Blaise.
"Potter?" Blaise said.

"Aunt and Uncles." Harry mumbled. He dreaded going back. He wish he could stay another place. Dumbledore won't let him stay at Hogwarts because of Voldemort.

"Write to us, yeah?" Blaise said.
"They won't let me." Harry said, looking out the window of the compartment.
"Come visit then?"
"Not allowed to."

"If you're looking for an excuse to not come over you can just say you don't want to come ov-" Pansy started.

"Trust me. If I could, I would get out of  there as soon as possible."
Draco's mouth was dropped, he stared at the boy who sat beside him.
The group did not speak very much for the rest of the ride.
1st POV:

We got off separately, just in case their parents were there.
"Bye Harry." Luna said as she walked toward her dad. I gave a quick wave to the her and her dad.
"Potter! You brat!" Vernon yelled. I quickly turned around and walked toward them.

"Let's go, you need to start making dinner." Petunia said.
"Yes, Aunt Petunia." I muttered.
Me, Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley begin to walk away, I catch Malfoy's eye.

I take in a quick breathe and ignore it.
"Come on! Chop chop!" Petunia clapped her hands, I jumped into the backseat over their car.
I sighed several times as I watched the trees go by.

Eventually I was surrounded by familiar neighborhood. I thought about Sirius' house. Maybe I could sneak out and go there.

"Get inside boy! Start dinner!" Vernon yelled.
"Yes sir." I say, I grab my things and run inside. I set my stuff in my room and run back downstairs.

I began to prepare dinner.
"And make sure you wash, dry, and polish the dishes as well!" Petunia screeched.
As the meat was cooking on the stove I began to start the dishes. I filled the sink up with water and put some soap in.

"Thats to much soap! Stupid, idiot, boy!" Petunia grabbed him by his hair and emerged him in the water.
Harry almost felt his lungs burst but she let him come back up for air.

"No! I'm not doing this anymore!" I scream. I shove my aunt off me and run to my room and pack up everything I own.
"You can't leave! You're stuck here with us!" Vernon spits.
"Oh yea? Watch me leave." I say, pointing his wand up, his hair still soaked.
I walked straight out the door and put my wand out for the knight bus.

"Ahhh! Harry Potter! Or is it still Neville Longbottom?" Stan Shunpike asks.
"Harry." I mutter.
"Mmm. Bad night?" Stan asks.
"Yeah." I say. I head to the back of the bus.
'Barely three hours from Hogwarts and I'm already leaving.' Harry thinks.

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