The arrival of Percy Jackson

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Annabeth P.O.V

It had been 3 weeks since Percy had gone on his quest. It was the most unnerving, irritating, and infuriating quest Annabeth had ever heard of. "Go save this beautiful woman from the monsters", Chiron said. "Only you can go" Chiron said. UGH!!

Whenever someone brought it up, she would get super defensive and yell at them, but she felt a bit jealous. "wait why did you put that in" "YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE EDITING PLACE GET OUT"

*technical difficulties*

Percy P.O.V.

"HEEEEEELP!!!", the woman screamed. Percy was fighting 3 monsters at once. "A little busy!!", he called. Quickly, he grabbed a sword and handed it to the woman. "What am I supposed to do with this?" She emphasized 'this' like it smelled bad. "Fight with it!", Percy said. After a couple minutes, he killed the monsters attacking him and saw the others advancing on the woman. "Watch your left!", he shouted and he ran to the mess of monsters. He sliced off one of their heads and it disintegrated. "1 down, 2000 more to go!", he grumbled.

Finally, after 15 minutes of killing monsters, he stabbed the last of them in the heart and led the woman to Blackjack. "Hey bud, can you call a friend?" Blackjack made a neigh sound and another one came. The woman immediately hopped on Blackjack. Percy sighed and got on the other. There was no point in arguing with her.

After an hour or so, they reached Camp Half-blood, where Chiron would finally take over, leaving Percy a fun afternoon at the sea with Annabeth. Chiron signaled them over and told the woman to go to his cabin. Then he asked Percy, "Why aren't you riding Blackjack?" "I dont wanna talk about it." He laughed, then went into the cabin.

Annabeth P.O.V.

After a painstaking 3 hours, Annabeth decided to go visit the Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Leo, her friends at the roman camp. "Hey Grover! When Percy comes back, tell him I'm visiting our friends from the roman camp, k?" "Sure. See ya later.", he responded.

She boarded the Argo II and set sail for the roman camp. After about 30 minutes, she arrived at the camp. "Hey guys!", she shouted to Piper and Jason, who were walking around the camp. "Hey!", Jason called back. Leo, Frank, and Hazel went to see what was happening. "There it is! I've been looking for her!" he said. It wasn't very hidden that he was talking about the ship. 

"Oh hi Annabeth!", Frank said. Suddenly, a big burst of flames erupted from the ship. Hazel quickly ran really far away with Frank, fearing the wood plank would burn. Leo desperately tried putting it out, but just made it worse.

Annabeth, jump into the ocean. Hurry!

A voice inside her head who sounded strangely like Percy said that, and she jumped. In case you forgot, the Argo II is a flying ship, so it was like a 50 feet drop. Then again, she trusts Percy. She fell into the water with a slam. she belly flopped into the water. It hurt more than fire ants crawling and biting on her skin.

Just then, Percy came speeding down the water in a sort of water speedboat thing that collapsed into the water as soon as he stopped. Annabeth crawled up on shore and smacked Percy on the face. "OUCH!!!", she shouted at him. Jason, Piper, and Leo hurriedly went to go on a 'walk' towards the opposite direction.

Percy P.O.V.

Percy winced in pain as she smacked him. Annabeth shrieked, "WHAT WAS THAT?!?!" "W-w-wha-what was what?", he stammered. Annabeth suddenly collapsed and blood spurted out of her mouth. "I am Bulozi, titan of mimics. You will die soon, young hero." Percy saw her eyes were... green instead of stormy grey, like usual. A split-second later, she returned back to normal, but collapsed again.

Annabeth P.O.V.

She dreamed of a dark place, with stalagmites and stalactites everywhere. It looked like a... man-made cave. She then saw a throne with a Cyclops on it. The Cyclops had a staff, and she looked very important. "My lady, are you sure an invasion is necessary? Our last invasion, no one returned alive!" "Yes, I am sure. Now go! Leave me be."

Then she shifted realities and returned to the real world. She was in a bed, in a cabin. Percy was watching over her and handed her a piece of ambrosia. "Feeling better? Not trying to kill me?", he half joked. She ate the ambrosia and sat up. "Percy, why did y-"

"I'm telling you, I did absolutely nothing. I never spoke to you once since before the quest and after I arrived at the camp." "Then how- You- I mean a voice that sounded a hell of a lot like you said to me, 'Annabeth, jump in the ocean. Hurry!'"

"Oh. Annabeth, you heard Bulozi. A bit earlier, you were possessed by some titan named Bulozi, titan of mimics. You probably heard her. I hate you and wanna kill you, so you should go off on your own." That last sentence, it wasn't him. His lips didn't move, yet he spoke those words. She shook her head. "Shut up!!"

"Wha-" "Not you. Bulozi again. Trying to turn me against you again, making me stray off on my own. It's like I'm some sort of... key to her success.", Annabeth inquired. "Like, she needs me, but also wants me dead." "Yeah, well she'll have to go through me before she can kill you.", Percy said fiercely.

Percy P.O.V.

Percy was.. well pretty annoyed with Bulozi, to say the least. Tricking Annabeth into falling in a 50 feet drop, trying to use and kill her, yeah! That's a pretty big provocation. Suddenly, Leo came in the room. "Oh, good. She's awake. Listen, Annabeth. On the ship, we managed to recover everything that was on there. Well, not everything, but it wasn't important. Anywa-" Annabeth cut him off. "What thing?" "There was this burnt up necklace thingamabob. It was like, goldish brown or something, but it might've just been charred."

Percy and Annabeth exchanged a glance, and then she replied, "Your right, not important. What were you saying?" "So on your tablet, the one with Dedalus's inventions on it, we found a new one. It was like... well, it's hard to explain. You should see it for yourself. I'll get it."

He left the room to go get the tablet, leaving Percy and Annabeth some alone time. "So... um...." "Percy, that necklace meant the world to me, you know that." Percy was confused for a second, then realized she was talking about the necklace in Argo II. "Yeah, I know. Im not doubting that. It's- don't you just get a bad vibe about that new 'invention' on the tablet?"

"My Gods, I knew it! I thought I was just being paranoid, with all the Bulozi things happening."

Suddenly, Nico came in. Mrs. O'Leary was also there. "Where's Frank?", he asked hurriedly. Hazel then came. "Percy, we need you! The stick, it's burning!!" Percy ran over to Frank as fast as he could. "L-Leo. Please... don't k-kill me."

Edit: I completely forgot about this, because I had the contest idea and stuff, but heres the layout of what I meant to write.

Bulozi had these guards and stuff, and they're shapeshifters. Jason lightning bolted the guard that looked like Leo though, and Percy put water on the stick to stop it from burning. Also, the new invention on the tablet was just another Bulozi trick, and if you put it together, it'll say a message, and when you decode it, it says "one of your friends will betray you in the end", but it was just Bulozi trying to trick them into being super paranoid.

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