Wait... you what

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Sorry i didn't do any P.O.V.'s except for Percy's the whole last part, but it's back to normal. It would be boring to have a P.O.V. of someone poisoned so... yeah.

Annabeth P.O.V.

Annabeth was... what was the word? Starts with an e... Oh, right. Excited. It's been so long. For everyone. For the wedding, for her friends to find out (actually a bit worried about that) and most of all, to tell her parents. Not Athena of course, she didn't exactly take a liking to Percy last time she saw him.

Her dad, though, had always loved Percy, so he was going to be exhilarated to get him in the family. Annabeth immediately sent an Iris-message to him the day after Percy proposed. It went... worse than she expected. 

*Vietnam war flashbacks*

"So dad, guess what? Percy actually proposed to me! We're getting married!!", Annabeth excitedly exclaimed. Her dad was, as she expected, as happy as a lion at a deer convention.

"That's great! Good for you! I might even come to the wedding and teach Percy how to fly a plane!"

"Um, maybe not. You know with, um, Zeus overhead and such, so... yeah. Zeus may not like it. You can probably come in a plane though!", she said, trying to cheer him up. "Ok, I will.", he said, immediately trying to be cheerful.

After the Iris-message, Jason came to ask Annabeth something. "Hi, so um. You know about your wedding and stuff? Yeah, there may be a problem. Come here."

"Mom! Whyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?!", Piper complained. Aphrodite? What was she doing here? "Theres Annabeth! You must try on this wedding dress! I had it made just for you. Piper was in her usual white gown she transformed into whenever her mom came. Frank was missing, so he must be looking for Percy. "Ok, sure?", Annabeth agreed, looking confused.

Piper came with her. "Annabeth, you can NOT wear that to your wedding. If you do, you're literally dead." "Wait what? Why not? It looks gorgeous. Plus if I dont, I would be disrespecting Aphrodite, and she's still a goddess, even if she's kind of... eccentric."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll calm her down, but you CAN'T!!! You know how she wants to 'make your love life interesting'? Well, that'll sure happen if you wear it. If you put it on, you get a spell on you that makes you irresistible to every guy. Also, it attract monsters. A lot. Of monsters. Trust me."

"Sold. That's goin in the trash.", Annabeth said, dumping it behind her. "Besides, I already have an outfit. Not a dress... but... you'll see."

They went outside and told Aphrodite, "Oh uh, sorry but a raccoon came into the cabin and... um... scratched the dress up. It looked so ugly, I had to throw it out.", Piper quickly lied. Annabeth gave her a wink as Aphrodite took that in. "What a shame. I must have my tailer make a new one. Too bad it'll take another week. Oh well." and with that, Aphrodite's visit was over.

Frank then came over with Percy. "Hey, where's Aphrodite?", Frank asked. "Left a minute ago.", Annabeth said. "And Percy. You might wanna watch out. My dad's coming, and he wants you to fly a plane." Percy shuddered at the thought. Last time he was in the sky without Thalia, he almost got blasted out. "Speaking of Zeus, I invited Thalia to the wedding.", Percy added.

 "So, we decided on Camp Half-Blood, right?", Annabeth checked with Percy. "Yep. We're good, I think." Leo frowned. "Well, you forgot about 1 thing, but I'll bring it." 


"The cake!", Leo said, as if it was the most of his worries. Frank laughed. "Only you could remember that, Leo." 

Percy P.O.V.

It was time. Percy stepped out of the Poseidon cabin and into the world. He was in a blue suit and tie, that made him look like an oceanfied Obama. Everyone was there. The gods, their friends, everyone. Even Mrs. O'Leary was there, wagging her tail. Casually knocking a demigod off his feet.

He stepped into the wedding building. Tyson was there, waiting for him. He, of course, was Percy's best man. "Hey bro.", Percy said with a fistbump as if he wasn't about to get married. Then, the music played.

Hazel was the flower girl. She spread out flowers across the path, and then Annabeth followed her. 

She had a blue satin dress. It screamed Annabeth, because at the bottom, there were jagged cuts. Like it was perfectly cut by someone who knew Annabeth. Anyway, then came the ritual.

Im too lazy to figure out what the speech is so ima do what i know

"Demigods, Hellhounds, and Cyclops. Welcome to this wonderful, wonderful occasion. Before we start, are there any objections to this ceremony?", the priest asked. Someone's hand was raised. "I OBJECT!!", someone exclaimed. "Reyna?", Frank asked. "What?"

Annabeth P.O.V.

"You... get... no married?", Tyson struggled for words. Still, the message got through. Reyna stood up, walked over to the marriage place, and punched Annabeth in the face, making her fall over. Then she grabbed a sword and walked over to Annabeth, slowly.

Percy immediately grabbed Riptide, but Annabeth said, "Percy, no." Reyna saw that, so she uppercutted him from the jaw, and he fell over too. "Ouch." Annabeth got up and backed away over to Piper. "Piper, you have to charmspeak her. She's possessed. The normal Reyna would kill her enemies as soon as possible."

Piper got the message and tried using charmspeak on Reyna. It didnt work. "Reyna, you have to calm down. Get Bulozi out of you. Now.", Piper tried, but Reyna just smacked the hilt of the sword on Pipers head. Her knees buckled, unconscious.

Everyone got up after that and tried to snap Reyna out of it, but she was too focused on Annabeth. Annabeth backed away,  trying to get away from Reyna, but...

"Annabeth!! You're heading towards a wall!", Percy called, having recovered and now running towards Reyna. "This. Ends. NOW!!!", Reyna shouted in a voice none like her own. She leaped up into the air and tried slicing Annabeth's throat, but she ducked just in time. She cut feel the sword cut through her hair as she swung the sword.

Percy uncapped his pen, it Reyna having capped it after the uppercut, and did the same thing Reyna did to Piper to her. "Cruel and painful, but it sure knocks 'em out.", Percy said casually. 

Percy P.O.V.

Piper woke up about 5 minutes later. "Ow, my head hurts. Who're you?", she said, pointing to Jason. Everyone else was crowding around Reyna, trying to see if she was dead or not. "I wouldn't exactly be too upset if she's dead.", Annabeth grumbled. Percy walked over to Piper. "So... we have a passed out possessed person, a person who has amnesia, and this all happened in a demigod wedding. Can't say I didn't expect this.", Jason listed.

Thalia then came into the room. "Uh... did I miss something?" "Thalia! You can make lightning, right?" 

"Yeah... why?"

"Piper has amnesia and she'll probably get her memory back with a zap. It may just be another dumb idea I have, though. Not 100% but it might be worth trying."

Jason held up his hands. "Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. You're gonna lightningfy Piper? What?!"

"Too late bro.", Thalia said, and she sent down a small lightning strike at Piper.

"WHAT IN THE HADES WAS THAT?!?! OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Piper shrieked. She throttled the nearest person she saw. The lucky person was... oh what a surprise. Percy!!!

Jason pried her hands of Percy's neck, and Piper calmed down. "Please tell me you didn't kill Reyna yet cause I GOTTA KILL SOMEONE!" That got everyones attention.

They all left Reyna there and got back where they were.

The priest, who was hiding behind the book, stood up and said, "Er... that didn't happen. You're all in holy matrimony blah blah blah you may kiss the bride im out.", he said in a rush, as she ran out of there, getting away from Reyna.

Percy and Annabeth looked into each others eyes, and then Annabeth said, "C'mere Seaweed Brain." and ... Then they finally kissed and sealed the deal. They were finally after many, many interruptions, married.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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