Antidotes schmantidotes. I just want the ice cream.

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The title makes no sense but go with it.

Percy P.O.V.

So yeah. I missed 5 weeks of my life, my girlfriend is dying, and this crazy god a mimics is gonna kill us all. Seems like a normal demigod life.

"Wait what? How?!", Percy exclaimed as he heard Annabeth. She glanced at her leg. "The arrow was poisoned. Theres nothing I can do. Nothing anyone can do." Percy rubbed his temples. "Oh my gods. Why did I have to go first?! I'm the one who should be dying."

Annabeth sat up. "No, no. It's fine. Just remember. Kill Bulozi for me.", she said, sadly. Then, she walked to her cabin.

Just then, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Leo came back. "Where were you guys? Where's Annabeth?", Leo asked him. Percy explained what happened, relieved to have people to talk to. "So, to sum it up, my girlfriend is dying, Bulozi's gonna kill us all, and death is inevitable.", Percy explained. "Sounds like a normal demigod life, man.", Leo joked. Frank shot him a warning glance and he shut up. "Wow Frank. You did the impossible.", Piper laughed. After what felt like days... Percy cracked a smile.

There was one thing on his mind the whole day tomorrow. Percy went straight to Annabeth's cabin. Annabeth opened the door, and Percy told her what he figured out. "Annabeth, big news. You're dying in a week! Isn't that great? Ok that sounded wrong, but look. I did some research and figured out that the poison takes 8 days to kill. Also, I found an antidote."

"Really?! Are you serious?", Annabeth asked. Percy nodded and Annabeth threw her arms around him. "Ok, but wait. There's a risk. It'll take a day to get there and come back, thats fine, that leaves me 4 days to get the antidote, if we don't wanna do it last second. Which we don't. The problem is, the antidote is in an underground bunker. No one knows where it is."

Annabeth thought for a moment. "What about a God? They've lived for like 80 million years. One of them must know where it is." Percy shook his head. "See, that's the thing. It's in Mexico. The Gods haven't gone there yet. They will, because it's Mexico, and everyone loves Mexican food, but they still haven't." Annabeth pecked Percy on the cheek and gave him an encouraging smile. "You can do it. I believe in you."

Percy packed all his stuff and hopped on Arion (Hazel lent him to her) and rode to Mexico.

A day later, he had arrived. He grabbed his shovel, and started to dig. He dug, dug, dug, dug until his shovel broke and his arms were bleeding, but he didn't care. "I have to save Annabeth. I have to save Annabeth." He kept on muttering that as he dug using his hands. 

Finally, after 2 days of digging... he collapsed, unconscious. He had the worst nightmare of his life. Nightmares of Kronos, who cares. Knightmares of Bulozi, or Gaea, or any monster, big deal. His nightmare was...

Everyone was dead. Percy had failed them all. Annabeth, dead. Jason, dead. Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Nico, all dead. Chiron, Mrs. O'Leary, his mom... not even the gods survived. It was just Percy against everything. Gaea, Typhon, Kronos, Bulozi, Polyphemus, damn it, even Luke! Medusa, her sisters, Khione, Cal, Zethes, every bad guy in the world.

Suddenly, he awoke. He took in the scene around him. A cabin. That's what he was in. A cabin. "Hello?", he asked. An old man turned the corner and saw him. "He's awake!", he called. A woman rushed over to him. "How are you, are you cold, do you need food?" "No, I'm fine. How long was I here for?" "A day."

"What?!?! That leaves only 1 day- and- oh my gods. I have to get back... the antidote...", Percy managed. He got up and tried to run off, but the old man gave him something. "I've been keeping this, because I knew someone would need this. It's the antidote.", he said. Percy grinned. "Thanks so much. I promise, I'll pay you back." "No need. The only thing I need is Elysium, cause I'm gonna die soon!", he laughed, even though it wasn't particularly funny. Still, Percy said, "I'll put in a good word for you."

As he rode back home 2 days early, he thought about what he would've done if he didn't make it in time, and Annabeth never knew if he ever tried to save her. He knew what he had to do.

After a quick pit stop, he arrived back at Camp Jupiter, still a day early.

"Annabeth!", he said as he saw her. "How are you?" "Not good." "Well, good news. I got the antidote!" "Thank the gods. Ok, quick. Gimme it.", Annabeth said, relieved. She would live another day.

Percy handed her the antidote, and she drank it up. "Ugh, tastes like dirt. But the Hades with it, im alive!"

Once it was evening, Percy called a meeting with Annabeth. "So, Annabeth. You were about to die today, and it made me wonder. What would happen if you died without knowing whether or not I tried to save you. Whether or not I cared. I really don't need that kind of pressure. So, I don't wanna be your boyfriend anymore."

"Wait, what?", Annabeth asked, surprised. Percy just kept talking. "I'm done with being your boyfriend. Do you remember the first words you ever said to me? 'You drool in your sleep.' Who would've thought that would lead to our first kiss after we killed Kronos. Who would've thought. Anyway, I can't live with the pressure of you not knowing if I loved you or not, so...

"Will you marry me?"

Annabeth's face changed from a disgusted look at him, to a surprised one as fast as lightning.  "Hmmm, I think I could fit a wedding into my very busy, busy schedule."

"Great.", Percy replied, feeling somehow, while death lurked around every corner, while a titan who could disguise as other people was on the loose, while doing something as simple as a phone call could attract death magnets,  like the happiest, most special demigod in the world.

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