A Cruel Punishment

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Song Defies Color

A/N: I finally managed to update this story after such a long time! A lot of crazy things had been happening lately, but at least it was nothing that couldn't be handled. I actually finished this chapter yesterday, and I'm now posting it today.

Well, let's get on with the long-awaited Chapter 9! Roll it!

Chapter 9

A Cruel Punishment

Branch managed to get back just thirty minutes before it was dinner time. That left him with enough time to cut off the extra leaves to change his cloak back into his normal vest. Then, he managed to cook a very quick but fancy meal for Guffin and bring it up to her room.

After serving her, he and Glitz soon joined Archer and Cloud Guy in one of the guest rooms, which was round in shape and also had a small balcony outside. "So what did you see out there today?" Cloud Guy asked him.

Branch just smiled fondly. "I found this really pretty lake that I used to go to all the time back when I was a teenager." He said. "The place hasn't changed a bit after all this time. But the odd thing is, I can't remember why I stopped going to that lake in the first place."

Archer raised a curious brow. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, it's like one day, I would be sneaking out to that lake almost every day," Branch began to explain, "and then the next, it was like I never had found that lake in the first place. It's like there's a blank in my memory."

"All of these blanks in your memory." Archer said. "First the music box, and now the lake. I'm starting to think that it's not natural."

"You mean someone or something is affecting Branch's memories on purpose?" Cloud Guy asked him, propping his arms against his body.

"Take a guess who." Archer muttered, raising a brow.

Glitz then began zipping around Branch, squeaking excitedly, making the gray Troll chuckle. "Okay, now! Don't go exclaiming that as if I'm a hero."

"What did he say?" Archer asked.

"He's asking me to tell you guys that I also saved a group of kids from a pit fall." Branch said modestly. "But it was enchanted with a barrier trap. They couldn't reach out or reach in with their hair."

"That is weird." Cloud Guy said.

"Once again, that's proof that Guffin is behind all of this." Archer added in.

Branch just shook his head. "I'm not disagreeing with you, but we're not going to think about that right now." He said. "Anyway, apparently, those kids were students of the princess."

"You saw Princess Poppy?" Cloud Guy asked. "Did you finally reveal yourself as her Mystery Troll?"

"Of course not!" Branch exclaimed, a fierce lavender blush on his face. "Plus, how would she, or anyone else, react when they see a gray Troll who just proclaims that he was the princess's rescuer?"

"You're not planning on keeping that little fact a secret forever, are you?" Archer asked.

"As long as I live under Guffin's rules, I have to." Branch answered him. "But that won't stop me from at least getting closer to the village."

Glitz seemed to like that idea as he started buzzing around Branch again, making him and the other two laugh. "But maybe tomorrow, I can go back to that lake." The gray Troll said, grabbing the little fuzzbug and began spinning him around. "Explore around, see if anything can jog my memory."

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