The Storm and the Calm Afterwards

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Song Defies Color

A/N: Well now, this is where things really get interesting. Although I had to push through it fast the past couple of days because my co-author on wants progress on the Miraculous Ladybug story that we're working on together. We have deadlines to meet, and we try to follow them as best as we can.

But let's not worry about that. I'm pretty sure that you guys have been wanting more for a while. So let's get on with Chapter 4. Roll it!

Chapter 4

The Storm and the Calm Afterwards

Immediately, the captain of the boat began shouting out orders for everyone's safety. "Clear everything out!" He shouted. "Stand fast and get to the lifeboats!"

Right after he said that, all of the Trolls on board began getting all of the party supplies; food, presents, decorations, and putting them either inside their hair or onto little rafts that were attached to the lifeboats. The present that Guffin had been holding onto for Poppy slipped out of her hands from the ship tossing about and towards the end of the ship, where the three stowaways, plus Glitz, were hiding, holding onto the front of the ship as best as they could.

"No!" She exclaimed, and she went to try and retrieve it. But Poppy gently took her arm, pulling her away from it.

"Let's go!" The pink princess shouted over the blasts of wind, and then began guiding the disguised sorceress over to one of the lifeboats.

Branch and his friends were holding on as tight as they could to the front of the ship, all of them trying their best to not to be blown away by the stormy winds. The gray Troll then saw the present coming their way. It hit the side of one of the railings pretty hard, and he could've sworn that he heard something breaking from inside of it, over the roaring wind. But he shrugged it aside for the time being, knowing that there were more important things at the matter.

Archer grabbed the pretty red wrapped box before it would fall into the depths of the lake. There was just something about that little box and about the way that Guffin was acting so worried about it when she lost her hold on it; it just didn't feel right to him. She actually seemed much more worried about it than he had expected, coming from her. Something was up, and he suspected that it had something to do with whatever is inside it.

"Branch!" He shouted to him.

The gray Troll turned over to the teenage Party Crasher and he stuffed the present into his black hair. "We can't hold on much longer!"

"Guys?" Cloud Guy said, getting their attention. "I think I'm gonna-" He then lost his grip on the railings.

"Blow!" He then was carried away into the sky by the turbulent winds, yelling all the way.

Rain was now pouring in buckets, drenching everyone. Branch could feel the wooden timbers that he and Archer were holding onto were getting slippery. He looked down at the lake's waters beneath him and twisted his wrist. Right away, a glowing ball of water came out of the lake, quickly forming into a much larger platform.

"Get ready to let go!" He shouted.

"Normally, I would tell you that this is crazy!" Archer yelled back. "But at least I know I won't drown!"

Both of them then let go of the railings and fell onto the platform. Before they could, Branch got a funnel to form underneath the watery platform to give him and Archer some extra cushion. When they both breached the surface, they got onto the platform, and Branch made the funnel disappear before guiding the platform over to the shore.

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