The Secret Pinings

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Song Defies Color

A/N: Geez! I've been working on this thing for almost an entire month! Or was it two months? One and a half? I don't really care, because I'm SO happy that this is completed! I'm so happy. College is killing me, and this entire year sucks! I feel like this year was really testing both my patience and my sanity.

Well, at least writing stories keeps me sane and calm during all of this craziness. Though I could do without some of my more impatient readers' repetitive asking about when I'll update certain stories. It's okay though, guys. I'm not really annoyed, but it does get me stressed out the more I see those kinds of reviews or comments, because I know that there are some stories that I haven't been working on in almost a couple of years, and they want me to work on them. Well, I'm trying my best, but I know that it's hard to do because I've been busy with other projects.

Anyway, enough of me somewhat ranting about my hectic life as of late. Let's just get on with the long-awaited Chapter 5! Roll it!

Chapter 5

The Secret Pinings

It had already been at least an hour since Branch had retreated back to his bunker and then immediately fell asleep after having quite the experience the night before. But it wasn't to last when the gray Troll started feeling like he was sweating buckets underneath his blankets, and his skin felt pretty hot to the touch; at least from what he could tell. His head was killing him with all of the incessant pounding inside, like his brain was getting rattled around, and he felt like he didn't want to move out of bed at all.

But he had lots of things to do. He had to check his inventory, collect some more supplies, and then wash his soaked vest and shorts from the night before. And then Guffin was going to give him plenty of chores to do on top of his own. Like tend to her gardens, mop all the floors again, and then do the chimney. He was going to be completely wiped out for a whole day after all of that.

Overall, he felt like complete and utter trash as he silently laid around in bed, sleeping soundlessly and dreamlessly, tucked under his warm sheets. He felt like he had only been asleep for a few minutes when he suddenly felt something hard and bristly jabbed into his side, making him yelp in surprise at the contact. 

He almost shot out of bed when he saw that Guffin had gotten into the bunker and had used a broom to poke him awake. For a moment, he wondered how she even got inside in the first place. But then he remembered that she was a sorceress; she can get in anywhere.

"Are you ill?" She asked him.

"No, madam!" Branch answered habitually before he felt a twang of dizziness hit him, and he fell back against his pillow, carefully clutching his head. 

"Yes." He admitted with a moan.

"What happened to you?" Guffin demanded.

Branch lightly moaned before removing his hand. "I.... I got caught in that freaky storm last night." He said. It was technically the truth, since he did get caught in it.

Guffin raised an eyebrow at him, still a little suspicious about his answer. But he was looking almost worse than death, so she didn't want him to spread any diseases a gray Troll might have. They may be fatal for other Trolls.

"Well, since I don't want you to spread any germs around my house, you may use this time to rest up and recover." She said, turning away from him stiffly.

Branch blinked, his ears slightly tilted in confusion. Was this her way of saying.... she was giving him the day off? He didn't dwell too much on the thought since the thinking process itself was making his migraine even worse.

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