Two Worlds Finally Meet

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Song Defies Color

A/N: PLEASE do NOT tell me how long it's been since the last time I updated this story. I know it's been forever! But with the live-action remake of "The Little Mermaid", which in my opinion was amazing; and the trailers for "Trolls Band Together", which I am super psyched for, I've been getting inspired again.

I still won't promise frequent updates because I'm back in school, and I have to prioritize homework over my stories unfortunately. But I'm happy that I uploaded this on time for Broppy Day! And also, as a bonus, I will be uploading a video on my YouTube channel, featuring a cover from one of the new songs from "The Little Mermaid" remake.

Well, I'm sure you guys had been waiting long enough. And I've missed writing "Trolls". So... ROLL IT!

Chapter 10

Two Worlds Finally Meet

Hours felt like days as Branch laid on his new bed in complete silence, tears silently streaming down his cheeks and quietly sobbing. He couldn't form any words as he cried, but the sounds of his gasping for air wasn't really a comfort.

He tried a couple of times to look out the window, but if he ever got too close to it, he would get shocked. Apparently, Guffin had placed another enchantment on the tower to keep him inside, in case he tried to escape. Needless to say, the thought did cross his mind, but it was quickly rendered pointless when he learned of the spell.

After losing count of how many knots he could see in the ceiling at 256, Branch tried his best to make himself comfortable as the sun disappeared under the horizon and the moon and stars came out to play. He reached into his hair and pulled out his grandmother's music box. He then inserted the key, his necklace, into its slot, turned it three times, and let the music play as he put it next to him on the nightstand.

Branch stared at the little figurines of his grandparents dancing. For a moment, he imagined that he and Poppy took their places before he shook his head and turned away. Why bother hoping? It was all just a fantasy, to even think that he could be with her. With that thought, he closed his eyes and soon fell into a dreamless sleep, listening to the chiming melody of the music box.


Back on the ground, Archer and Cloud Guy were gathered around a campfire they had made close to the manor. They had left Branch alone after a few minutes, seeing that he needed some time alone. Glitz was with them, chirping sadly next to Cloud Guy as Archer paced back and forth furiously.

"That rotten little witch!" Archer cursed, kicking a pebble with his foot. "And I thought she couldn't get any worse!"

"There's gotta be something we can do to help Branch." Cloud Guy said.

"Oh, I suppose you have a plan?" Archer asked dryly, stopping in his pacing.

Cloud Guy lifted a finger to say something, but then put it down. "Not exactly." He replied.

"Uh-huh, I thought so." Archer muttered while Glitz chirped sadly.

But then the talking cloud had a goofy grin appear on his face. "But I at least have something that could give us an idea."

He reached inside his fluffy white body and pulled out a familiar book to Archer. The teenage Party Crasher gaped at him.

"You stole Guffin's spellbook?!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, it wasn't like you did it yourself before." Cloud Guy retorted back before he began flipping through the pages. "There's gotta be something in here that could help Branch."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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