Halloween Party

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(A/N: it gets a little spicy, but nothing too big)

Mattheo and I stood outside of the Room of Requirements entrance.

"Shall we, Juliet?" 

"We shall, my dear Romeo!" 

And with that, we walked into the room. We arrived fashionably late (mostly because Theo let me sleep a little longer than I was supposed to, but that's not the point). When we walked in, a bunch of people turned to look at us. My friends were in that bunch of people. I thought Nicole's eyes were going to pop out of her head. 

We walked over to my friends to say hi, but before we could, Nicole pulled me aside.

"If you think that I'm gonna stand by and watch you date a murderer, you're wrong," she growled.

"Too bad! I'll date who I want when I want to. It's none of your business, so what's the big deal!?" 

"The big deal is I know him. I know his father. I know his murderous and selfish ways!"

"You know absolutely nothing, so stop acting like you do. I'll do whatever the hell I want, and I'll be damned if I let you control how I live MY life," I screamed. 

Just then, Mattheo walked over, "Everything alright, love?"

"Everything is fi--" I started.

"So, is she on you're list too? Gonna make her fall in love with you and kill her. She may not know the monster you are, but I do, Riddle!"

"That's enough, you bitch!" I growled.

"Princess, it's alright," Mattheo said to me, then he turned to Nicole, "If you want us to leave, then we'll leave!"

"No, we won't! She's not controlling my life," I said, grabbing Mattheo's arm.

 "I need a drink," I said once we got out of earshot from her.

"Ok," he agreed. We went to the bar, and I got a butterbeer, with some kind of alchol added, and he got a firewhiskey. That was the only alcoholic drink he had, but that wasn't my last. In, only, the first few hours, I had gotten wasted. 

"Darling, maybe we should head back to the dorm," Theo proposed.

"I'll go anywhere with you," I slurred.

"Alright," Mattheo chuckled. He took me back to the dorm, carrying me bridal style. 

When he put me back on my feet, I immediately dragged him into his room. I started to take my dress off.

"What are you doing?" Mattheo asked.

"You know exactly what I'm doing," I stumbled, with a playful wink.

"Alright pull that down," Mattheo said, pulling the dress back down over my head.

"Why?" I whined. "You don't want to have fun? It's me, isn't it?"

"No, sweetheart, it's not you! I would do anything for and with you!"

"Then, why won't you!" I pouted.

"Because Princess, you're drunk."


"So," Mattheo started, "I'd be taking advantage of you. I may be a killer, but I have to draw lines someone where. I would never want to take advantage of someone in that way! Especially, if that person is you. I don't want you to regret anything that has to do with me."

"You're so cute!" I slurred. I tried to walk over to him, but it became more of a stumble. I tripped over my own 2 feet, and Mattheo caught me. He sat me on the bed and walked over to his closet.

"Here," he said throwing one of his shirts at me, "Put this on."

He stepped out of the bedroom while I got changed. 

"Ready," I called. 

"You look better in my shirts than I do," Theo laughed as he walked inside.

"You never wear your T-shirts though! You always wear your black suits except when you're with me or that one time at Draco's house," I complained. Theo put his hands up as if to surrender.

"Alright, love, let's lay down."

"I get to sleep in here?!" 

"Yes," he chuckled. With that, he picked me up bridal style again and laid me gently in bed. He took off the top half of his suit and got in bed by me. 

"I'm gonna miss you."

"You can always come into my room," he laughed, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.

"Oh, shut up! You know it's not that simple. I can't just sneak up into the boys once we go back to our dorms," I complained.

"Princess! There's plenty of things we can do. We can always sit with each other at lunch. Plus, if you go back to quidditch, we'll have that.  We can hang out after school. I can take you on a million-hour shopping spree."

"You're horrible, and I'm broke."

"Y/N, you know that you wouldn't be spending a penny."

"Oh, lucky me! I get my own sugar daddy. Except... he's my age," I said rolling my eyes with a laugh.

"I wouldn't want to have it any other way," Theo said.

"If I could fall in love with a voice, it would be yours. Just saying." 

"What?!" Mattheo laughed.

"Just thought I'd tell you." 

"You're crazy!"

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"No, are you?"

"Not really."

"We can make some snacks or do something if you want!"

"No, thanks. I'd rather lay here with you. I just wanted to make I wasn't bothering you and keeping you up," I answered truthfully.

"You're too perfect," Theo smiled, his curls hanging over his eyes. "You could never bother me."

I laid my head on his chest, and I could hear his heartbeat. The sound of it just gave me a sense of calmness. Each beat, making me want to go to sleep more and more (that may have just been the alcohol).

"You know, princess," Mattheo started. He stopped, realizing I was asleep. 

'Maybe leaving it unsaid would be better,' Mattheo thought to himself.

All because of a Murder (Mattheo Riddle+ Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now