The Wedding is On?

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When Mattheo finally let me go, he said the most ridiculous thing.

"Wedding crashers must be jealous of you," 

"Excuse me?" I asked

"You do realize that you and your sister just crashed not one but 2 weddings, right?"

"I guess we did... But, it's not fair that you have to get married when you're still so young!"

"I'm still going to have to be married," he sighed.

"Not if I can help it!" Briar chimed in, causing me to laugh.

"There's nothing you can do, Briar. There's nothing any of us can do, unfortunately," Mattheo groaned.

"Unless..." Briar said.

"Don't even say it, Briar," Mattheo warned.

"Say it!" I said, ignoring Mattheo.

"What if you 2 got married!" Briar exclaimed.

"How would that work?" I asked.

"If you announce that you and Mattheo are getting married to the press before you tell our dad, then, dad can't call off the wedding because it would be a scandal! It would be even more of a scandal if dad called off the wedding just for Mattheo to immediately get engaged to someone else!" 

"She's not wrong," I said, actually hopeful that this might worked.

"I can't," Mattheo stated.

"Why?" Briar and I exclaimed.

"You were just talking about how we're too young to be married! I can't force you into this," he replied.

"I want to do this. Please! I beg of you! Agree to this!" I pleaded.

"You promise?" he asked.

"Cross my heart!" I assured him.

"Awwww," Briar squealed.

(A few minutes later)

"I just contacted the press anonymously... We are officially engaged!" Mattheo smirked.

"And, I'm fine with that!" I replied, pulling him into a kiss.

"Just wait until dad finds out in the paper tomorrow!" Briar laughed, sinisterly.

And, as if right on cue, "MATTHEO! BRIAR! Y/N! GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!"

"Or, right now..." Briar smiled.

We walked into the living room where everyone was sitting around. They all sat there in silence. No one was making eye contact. The Parkinson's had left, but everyone else remained there.


"Yep," Mattheo nodded.


"Just a while ago," Mattheo shrugged. 

All I could do was smile.

"I knew you were going to pull something like this. I knew you weren't going to let her go. Young love; I guess," Tom laughed.

Mattheo wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him.

"Oh, goody! Two weddings to plan since Draco has decided to get a girl pregnant," Lucius snapped.

"You're getting married?!" I exclaimed.

"So are you!" Hermione squealed.

Draco stood up and walked over to Mattheo.

"This is about to be our lives," Draco whispered.

"I'm alright with that," Mattheo whispered back.

"Me too," Draco agreed.

"So, you're gonna be a father?" Mattheo asked.

"Yea! I'm nervous, though," Draco replied.

"Any particular reason why?" Mattheo asked.

"I want to be a better father than mine was," Draco answered honestly.

"You're nothing like your dad. I promise you that much!" Mattheo stated.

Before Draco could respond, Narcissa started talking.

"Well, Christmas break is coming up fast! It's in about 2 weeks, correct?"

We all nodded.

"How about all of you come and stay at Malfoy Manor! We have plenty of room," she smiled.

Lucius scowled.

"Lucius, this won't affect you one bit! You're on a business trip, remember?"

"I suppose it would be fine," Lucius groaned, adding a dramatic eye roll.

"Excellent!" Narcissa smiled.

"Can Luna and I even come?" Mia asked.

"Of course! All of you are welcome!" Narcissa replied.

"Thank you!" Mione said.

"It's my pleasure," said Narcissa as she came over to hug Hermione.

"Can't wait to have you in the family," Narcissa whispered to Mione.

"Mom, what if we all stayed here for the weekend!" Nicole said.

"Sure," Narcissa shrugged, "Ask your father though."

We all stared at him.

"I don't really have a choice," Lucius groaned.

"Weekend sleepover!" Nicole yelled. All the girls ran up the stairs to her room.

"Duty calls," Mattheo laughed.

"We better go," Draco smirked.

All because of a Murder (Mattheo Riddle+ Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now