Noses and None

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It was the day after detention, and let's just say that no amount of showers could get the smell of the bathrooms and Snape's room off of me!

I walked to the Great Hall for breakfast with Hermione and Nicole. We had classes today, sadly. There was only a month and a half until Christmas break. Anyways, that was off-topic.

As I walked into the Great Hall, I saw Mia and Luna were sitting at the Hufflepuff table. As soon as they saw us, they were waving us over, but Snape shut that down real quick. He didn't even give us 5 minutes. The moment he saw the girls waving, he walked over just to say "don't even think about it". We all sighed and groaned, but he got what he wanted. We all went over to our own tables. I'll tell you first hand that that wasn't the best idea. The moment that I sat down, Mattheo rushed over to me.

"Listen, Y/N! I heard you got caught. I'm so sorry!" He started.

"I don't want to hear your pathetic excuse of an apology," I scoffed.

"I promise that wasn't my intention!"

"I bet it wasn't," I laughed. Then, he did the unthinkable. He reached across the table, pulled me closer, and put his lips onto mine. At first, I forgot what was actually going on, but reality hit. I realized that the passionate kiss that was happening was all a front. I pushed Mattheo off of me and punched him. No, I didn't do some bitchy slap across the face. I punched that dipshit square in the nose. 

The moment my fist collided with his face, there was a crack. Then, it went silent. No scream. No words. Not even a little gasp. I, finally, snapped out of the trance I was in and realized that Mattheo was laying sprawled out on the floor. The girls ran over to me as fast as they could. 

"You knocked him out?!" Mia said, with a burst of surprised laughter.

"Nice," Nicole said. Her jaw was dropped, and she slowly slid her fist over for a fist bump.

"Great! We're all getting expelled!" Hermione gasped. She had already started pacing (shocker).

"I bet the nargles wouldn't take my shoes if I had that punch," Luna chimed in, with her Luna magic/charm.

"What do you think you're doing, Ms. Granger!" Snape said, appearing out of nowhere. All the teachers quickly started to file around the passed-out creature that was Mattheo Riddle.

The teachers rushed to escort him to the nurses; except, Snape stayed behind.

"Ms. Granger! Please come with me. Maybe you can explain to Mr. Riddle's father why he has a broken nose and is unconscious."

"Are you sure you need me? I think you did a pretty good job on your own. You explained it brilliantly, using such an exquisite variety of words," I said with the girls backing me up by nervously nodding their heads behind me. 

"With me, now!" Snape growled.

"Right away, sir," I groaned.

He dragged me into the dungeons, to his classroom, and led me towards a room that I assume is his office. We waited, but not for a while. 

A man walked in, and I immediately recognized him from the dinner at Malfoy Manor. Mattheo's dad. 

"Severus, what's going on?" Tom asked. He didn't sound very concerned. 

"Well, you're son broke his nose..." Snape started. 

"I'm a busy man. Let's hurry this up shall we?" Tom said, motioning to his wrist.

"How about she explains it!" Snape said, with a crooked smile.

"Uhh~" I started. 

"Ms. Granger! How lovely to see you again. I didn't even realize you were here!" Tom laughed. "So, what's going on?"

"Well, your son and I had a fight, and I decided to just not talk to him. But, he came over to where I was sitting, and no matter how many times I told him to leave me alone, he wouldn't. Then, he, umm, kinda-sort of kissed me, so I punched him..." 

"I think it would be appropriate for you to decide her punishment! Don't you?" Snape laughed, wickedly.

"What punishment? What did she do? Sounds like my son is to blame for this ordeal. Imagine that!" Tom answered, rolling his eyes.

Snape's eyes were bulging out of his head! 

"Well, as you said, you're a busy man," Snape groaned, trying to rush him out of the door.

"That's true!" Tom agreed. "It was nice seeing you, Ms. Granger!" 

As he was standing up, he whispered in my ear, "Whatever my son did, he probably didn't mean for whatever that happened to happen. He likes you. A lot."

And with that, he was gone.

All because of a Murder (Mattheo Riddle+ Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now